Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Admin Aids French Bombing of Mali After US Trained-Forces Join Rebels in Uranium-Rich Region

WE know this two world super power does not go any where accept to protect their interest but a day is coming where by all form of occupation in another person country will end ,

France is in its fifth day of an offensive to oust rebels that have held much of Mali's northern region since March -- an area larger than Afghanistan. The strikes have reportedly killed 11 civilians, including three children fleeing the bombardment of a camp near the central town of Konna. The United Nations estimates as many as 30,000 may have been displaced since fighting began last week. The United States has backed the offensive by helping transport French troops and making plans to send drones or other surveillance aircraft. It is aiding a fight against Malian forces that it once helped train, only to see them defect and join the Islamist rebellion. Watch Part 2 of this report: http://youtu.be/JFdxlkl7uUY We discuss the latest in Mali with Al Jazeera correspondent May Ying Welsh, who has reported from Mali's north; and with freelance journalist Hannah Armstrong, a fellow of the Institute of Current World Affairs who joins us from the Malian capital of Bamako. To watch the entire weekday independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, search our vast archive, or to find more information about Democracy Now! and Amy Goodman, visit http://www.democracynow.org.

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