Tuesday, January 8, 2013

CNN: Last Night Alex Jones Went Off His Rocker!

Piers Morgan is the one who's being pathological- he sees that people have guns, he doesn't like it... and he goes on a pathological anti-gun tirade


  1. 1776 is coming again. And when the next revolution occurs we'll have alot less liberal tyrants around to worry about.

  2. As much as I normally like much of what Alex Jones has to say, and little of what Piers Morgan has to say, Alex "jumped the shark" last night. His angry rant was inexcusable and he blew a very good opportunity to defend 2nd Amendment Rights which are clearly under attack. I will even go so far as to say he did much damage to the sound and rational defense of the 2nd Amendment Rights.
    While I agree that being angry and vocal are wholly justifiable methods of voicing dissent, Alex was overly belligerentt verging on "froth at the mouth" madness. Barring an apology from Alex for his unhinged display of irrational anger, I am finished following Alex Jones forever.

    1. of course they do not show the entire segment, but choose the segments where alex is ranting, for which he is well-known...this is pure psyop - and alex is right - you are not a former alex jones follower - that's my take on it - you are a shill here to try to discredit him - same as the msm...

      good luck with that, sheep.

    2. No, I have subscribed to Alex Jones for 5 years and just think he just got too angry and diluted his arguments with a dozen other side issues at exactly the wrong moment. The verdict is not in yet, but I think Alex Jones lost a lot of credibility last night when, unfortunately, I would liked to have seen Piers Morgan and his MSM ilk exposed. Too bad for free thinkers everywhere. Another blow to the Constitution.

  3. We are entering a new era where a growing number of informed people are sick and tired of political correctness as they see it to be no more than a form of propaganda and pervasive manipulation - someone like Piers Morgan has been asking for a bucket of verbal abuse for a long time and he got it full and square. That some humans like Mr. Novak have finished with Mr.Jones is not unexpected but sad. Hopefully those that haven't will be able to save their butts and that of their offspring by their better understanding of reality.

  4. Alex Jones if he is not one of them /controlled opposition then he will end up like his alter ego Bill Cooper , I think he stepped out of the line now and the elite will deal with him soon , what does he think ? he can fight the NWO with his 50 riffles ??? others before him tried better than that (David Koresh ) and ended up very badly ...how long is Alex Jones will still be allowed to go on on this line ? time will tell...if I was him I would flee the country immediately and continue the radio hosting from somewhere safer ...

  5. people are getting tired of politica correctness and the march to find a miccle ground. but that middle ground will then be considered the far right and then the left will try to find another middle ground... See how it works? they slowly chip away at our rights like a frog in a pot of cold water then warm the boiling hot...

    i do agree, Alex blew a great opportunity to get more "calm" listeners to tune into his show. these "calm" listeners are now looking at him as a Paranoia Crazy Conspiracy Nut... i have been a listener and subscriber for the last 5 yrs. when Alex goes on these rants, i just turn it off...I think he has done more damage to our fight to keep the 2nd. ammendment...

  6. Alex is a VERY INTELLIGENT man, who knows his (true) history, and can discuss a variety of topics. That being said, I wish TO GOD that he would have had a calmer demeanor, and I made that point on his "Blog." We, as Americans, are facing MONUMENTAL CATASTROPHIC ISSUES, and we definitely need people like Alex on our side, maybe I'm wrong, but I feel, in the end, calmer heads will prevail. As far as the "Lamestream Media" is concerned, anyone with a "Brain Stem" can figure them out!

  7. I think Alex was really good. He said what needed to be said. If Obama can have drones, how will the people protect themselves? The government has lots of military hardware which they are not shying away from using against its citizens. If citizens can no longer defend themselves, we're off to auschwitz aka Obama's Fema camps. Like Alex says, this debate has nothing to do with "duck hunting" or sports practice. It's citizens wanting to defend themselves against the same people who bomb weddings in Pakistan using drones flown by some joystick kids in Nevada. The government is the enemy, not the ducks.
