Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Obama Responds to Piers Morgan Petition, Reveals Gun Control Plans

2nd Amendment is there to prevent tyrannical Governments from enslaving Americans or to stop democide. The bankers run this country, & President Obama is simply a puppet. We have a bill of rights, not a bill of wants! Endowed by a creator! Obama is already a proven traitor but If this man signs anything that infringes on our rights he will be starting a war on the nation.We will not bow down to tyranny, "The Second Amendment shall not be infringed"! End of story!


  1. Feel sorry for ALL other nations, our creator did not arm us with machine guns...
    Thank you Jesus.
    To all other nations he word of God.
    and ONLY we we turn our back on him and discard his ways would our enemies come against us in judgement.
    Good luck with those machine guns
    that you trust in.

  2. Well, Mr. Usurper, here's what I think we Americans should do: We should arrest, indict, try, convict and punish all traitors of the Republic, especially those who would stage mass murders, in order to secure an agenda, violate the constitution, and overthrow the Republic. So,line up with your Marxist pals, and hold out your hands for your cuffs! You'll look great in orange as you are perp-walked outta' the White House!

  3. Obama is a snake in the grass, proven himself a liar om many occasions. A puppet for the lucifarian / satanic agenda in an 'attempt' to implement their NWO..ha,ha what a joke! All dictators fall... it's just a matter of time. Everywhere there are signs that free will given to man by Gods grace is rising once again to pre-eminence over tyranny! There are staunch advocates for keeping guns who see through this illegal non president's agenda. Amercans have just 2 choices..cave in to this idiots rhetoric or suffer more misery on many fronts! Time to make a stand and the time is NOW!!
