Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sandy Hook - An American Coup d'état ~ Max Igan

We the People are allowing this earth to be turned into a violent, barren wasteland with an all pervasive, surveillance control-grid; allowing our species to become extinct and our planet strip-mined, allowing our habitat to become more and more unnatural, our behavior more and more controlled, daily lives regimented, allowing all organisms to be genetically modified, co-operating with a statistically vile, abusive and destructive Eugenics system of pure fiction with no questions asked as to 'why?'


  1. All the signs are in our faces finally the people have awakened. Every time gun control is mentioned the gun stores empty. The whole Sandyhook experiment failed and that makes me smile. We are not as stupid as they think we are.
    I never aimed for riches but this is one area I wish I had money for I would purchase the most deadly gun out there. Since that is not the case I will have to go with a bow and arrow. Poverty sucks.

  2. the internet is not truth the internet is a medium of communication, what ever is said or written is up to your logic, believes and reason, concept programming and knowledge about yourself and the world that surrounds you. humans live on planet earth, however minds also live on planet earth, even if imagination hallucination or other terminologies drift you upwards you are glue to the ground.
