Thursday, February 7, 2013

BREAKING 2013 Obama Declares War on the United States U.S. Government Killing American Citizens !

Obama declares war on the United States U.S. Government Killing American Citizens !
From drone strikes to torture techniques - tough questions are ahead for Barack Obama's nominee for CIA head, at his confirmation hearing in the Senate. John Brennan is widely seen as an architect of U.S. drone strategy. In an effort to avoid scrutiny around Brennan's candidacy, the U.S. President has even agreed to hand over classified documents justifying the killing of American terror suspects abroad. That's after years of keeping it secret. BOTH PARTIES are bought out by bankers intrest and continue to bail out other countries , and continue to shred our constitution and bill of rights -_- .. i cant believe people still have to play the "WAKE UP" drum .. it was also funny when all this was a "conspiracy theory", when it turned out to be the complete truth.. remember kids,Mainstream media is state media

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