Monday, March 4, 2013

Obama signs order for budget cuts

It's the biggest economy in the world, but the US politicians running the country just can't get their act together. Barack Obama, the US president, and the Congress have failed to agree on how to control the budget. The move will lead to $85bn worth of automatic spending cuts, which is going to cost the American public and could even affect other economies around the world. Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane reports from Washington.


  1. Oh puhleeeze....don't make me laugh! This "spending cut" is a drop in the bucket, amounting to only a slight slowing of the INCREASE in spending. It's not even a "cut" at all! Stop the propaganda now!

  2. At the very least, get your fat lazy ass down to the front door of the white house to conduct tours of "The Peoples' House"...and if he refuses to do that too, then you should do it Michelle; after all, you weren't elected, you're a volunteer too, so why not try to earn those magnificent vacations you take every three months or so.
