Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Great Crash Ahead ~ Harry Dent

GoldSeek Radio's Chris Waltzek talks to Harry S Dent Jr author of "The Great Crash Ahead: Strategies for a World Turned Upside Down"

Harry Dent of HS Dent Investment Management explains why he predicts a market crash in the third quarter of the year and that the U.S. is headed towards bankruptcy. Ed Butowsky, Chapwood Investments; Carol Roth, author of “The Entrepreneur Equation”; and CNBC’s Rick Santelli, weigh in.Economy will Crash, our Debt will sink us, Europe is failing, China is lying, an insightful conversation. "America is on a crack high" says Dent. "All politicians have to lie to keep confidence."

Harry S Dent is a financial newsletter writer and author , who is also the founder of HS Dent Investment Management, an investment firm based in Tampa, Florida. Mr. Dent's latest book is The Great Crash Ahead. Other books include The Great Depression Ahead and The Next Great Bubble Boom.


  1. This guy is full of shit. If he really thinks we are in a deflationary economy, he hasn't been to the gas pump or grocery store lately. He keeps saying "We have to deal with it". Who's "we" kemosabe? That "we" have to pay for the irresponsibility of the politicians?

    1. I agree this guy is full of it. It.s his hedge funds and Banks buying and selling derivatives that are worth zero. No Dent the people do not have to deal with it all the people have to do is survive it the best they can .let the banks go bust stop the wars and cripple the military industrial complex that is screwing the people on behalf of Jewish finance capital and fighting Jewish instigated wars for Israel. These usury Jews are the cancer that kills national economies.

  2. Entitlements of aging parents is he uninformed? SS is not an entitlement it is a paid program that we have paid into our entire lives and our employers paid 15% into it. Entitlements are monies given freely to people who contributed nothing. This guy is full of shit. you are right both of you.

  3. I would imagine IF you paid into something for years, you would feel entitled ito it, however, I have not listened to this only read comments.

  4. Holy crap "Paula" the government agent is back.

  5. People often misunderstand the meaning of "entitlement programs." It's basically any handout government provides, whether though a "trust fund" like Social Security, or food stamps, heating assistance and health care. Any time government sets criteria for people to receive these benefits it is an "entitlement program." That means that Veterans benefits are an entitlement program. Medicare and Medicaid are entitlements. If you meet the criteria of the program, you are ENTITLED to receive the benefits.

  6. Harry, pretty much nailed it. people are going to get so mad when they find out their pensions ans social security as well as Medicare and Medicaid are a ponzi schemes and people today are at the end of the scheme. the only way we don't collapse is if we get some new energy source. or taxes skyrocket so that the 25% that are working can pay for the 60% that aren't even close to working. those 25% may revolt or just be good slaves. time will tell.

    but there is no savings fund to pay this stuff out of. future befits willl come from future tax receipts until people start kick and scream.

