Sunday, March 3, 2013

US Economic Collapse 2013 - Be Prepared!

Capitalism made everyone selfish to death, the uber rich own printing presses...they then crash the system and buy up real assets, resources and infrastructure for pennies on the dollar ....when are the masses gonna say enough? There is only one way to survive it. You have to get out of debt, it means you'll need to suffer a huge sacrifice. We need a revolution. Americans need to be prepared to fight back. Stop worshipping these celebrities, stop watching propaganda media, stop being subdued in their music, clubs, drinking. Say no to drugs(narcotic and pharmaceutical. Keep your mind clear. Tell your children that you love them. Stay in family. They are turning Humans into animals. Slaves to the system as controlled and mindless robots .

1 comment:

  1. No, capitalism DID NOT make everyone "selfish to death", but our greedy politicians' and the greedy NWO international banking cartel's EVIL AND GREED have ended capitalism in the USA. That's because they employ ANTI-CAPITALISTIC tactics like CRONYISM AND CORRUPTION, a.k.a. "The Chicago Way", "You Scratch My Back, I'll Scratch Yours" or out-and-out "Fascism" in their quest to make the central government ever-bigger. This is exactly what takes place in all communist countries worldwide, not just in present-day Ameritopia. But whatever you want to call it, it's CORRUPTION, plain and simple. NOT CAPITALISM. Capitalism itself is an economic system, in fact the ONLY system allowing for individual FREEDOM and LIBERTY-- which is also why it's the best, fairest and most ethical system there has ever been, though not perfect, but WHAT IS? I am sick and disgusted by all the clueless ignoramuses out there confusing CRONYISM AND CORRUPTION with CAPITALISM....there is NOTHING in the definition of capitalism that ALLOWS these mafia characteristics and tactics presently being employed by our-government-in-service-to-the-NWO. In fact, once you have cronyism and corruption involved, capitalism ceases to exist BY ITS VERY DEFINITION, because free trade and free market forces cannot co-exist with CRONYISM AND CORRUPTION...OBVIOUSLY! WE DON'T HAVE CAPITALISM ANY LONGER, WE HAVE FASCISM...and THAT'S THE PROBLEM, NOT CAPITALISM!
