Monday, April 15, 2013

BOSTON MARATHON EXPLOSIONS: Bomb Sniffing Dogs at Start/Finish Lines for "Drill" FALSE FLAG ATTACK?

Eyewitness: Authorities Announced "Drill" Before Boston Explosions UM coach "thought it was odd" bomb sniffing dogs were at start and finish lines An eyewitness to the two explosions at the Boston Marathon today said that a "drill" was repeatedly announced before the bombs exploded and that he "thought it was odd" bomb sniffing dogs were in place before the blast. Image: Twitter University of Mobile's Cross Country Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15 News, "They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. "It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill." The news station also reports that Stevenson "thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines." Stevenson then describes hearing the explosions as he ran away from the scene, having just completed the marathon. If this report is accurate, it clearly suggests there could have been some degree of prior knowledge of the bombing, which killed two people and injured at least 23. The fact that the explosions were preceded and overlapped by a"drill" of an almost identical nature mirrors other major terror attacks, such as the 7/7 bombings in London. It is important to emphasize that the New York Times recently reported that most of the recent domestic terror plots in the United States "were facilitated by the F.B.I.," suggesting that today's incident in Boston may have been part of such an operation. It remains to be seen how the media and the Obama administration will exploit this incident depending who gets the blame, but Rahm Emanuel's "never let a serious crisis go to waste" advisory is sure to be in play. More on this story as it develops..... Editor's Note: Just as with the Madrid bombing and 7/7 bombings in London and countless others, a drill coincides with the real event. This is done so that if the compartmentalized operation is exposed the operatives executing the attack can simply claim they were part of the drill.] University of Mobile's Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines. "They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about," Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15. "It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill." Stevenson had just finished the marathon. His wife had been sitting in one of the seating sections where an explosion went off, but thankfully she left her seat and was walking to meet up with him. "There was just smoke, another explosion went off," Stevenson said. "We all started running. There were people crying." Stevenson said there was no question in his mind that this was an intentional act. Local 15 News is talking with more locals who were taking part in the run.


  1. Good lord above, do these globalist truly believe we are that damn gullible not to recognize this staged big media circus event, when we witness one???

    i mean really without question this is a typical CIA / Black Ops/ DHS big Sis orchestrated false flag attack right in the middle of an americanutopia city......

    Sorry fiends got some really bad news to report today... Fact, we have an evil government controlled by countless demons today that's not above purposely staging this kinda horrific event and blaming it on these so-called Terrorist, whom our own Gov has supported long before 9/11/01 with our tax dollars and controls all around this Earth today...

    Evil will not hesitate to kill anyone who get in its way... It now lives to eventually trash all our constitutional rights forever then kill or enslave us all... THAT'S THE FACT JACK

    Wait for big sis too sound that fake alarm after the white smoke clears for more money & greater control over all of us patriots whom dislike Adolf Obama big time.....

    Yea, I can already hear Adolf Obama yacking away (long boring speech) about more gun control and lots more big bro legislation to help keep us all safe in his mother like arms... Yuck!!!


  2. Ugh, the stupidity is unbelievable. First of all, the ONE article all these google results are pointing to as a source has redacted this claim. Also, out of 100,000 people at this event only this guy claims to have heard anything like this. It's piss poor reporting running rampant as conspiracy fodder amongst those to lazy to support their own claims. You're mental terrorists, trying to kill others' innocent brain cells with your obscene stupidity. Lastly, bomb sniffing dogs are at every event. That means absolutely nothing.
