Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Gold, Paper & Coins the Delusional Currency of Fear

by Jason Liosatos
The fear around the money system is not only endemic but also an epidemic of extraordinary proportions to the point where we could soon see a complete collapse of the money system, which could well leave us all queuing helplessly in lines for loaves of bread if we are lucky. The taunting acronym TINA meaning ‘there is no alternative’ keeps coming up to haunt us as we all stand seemingly helpless, as passengers on the bridge of the financial worlds floundering ship, with its psychotic captains still standing on the bridge printing the money, and wheeling and dealing in their insatiable lust for greed and gain, and in denial, like a heroin addict, as the icebergs of the consequences of short term greed loom ahead, threatening to sink humanity, and rendering it virtually helpless in the face of such a crash.

As I predicted in my book The Emergency Transformation of Human Beings we are immersed in a new wave of insanity as the money and precious metals system becomes more and more transparent as the transient, illusory system that it always was and always will be. People psychologically become accustomed to, and believe in the money system very early in their childhood, conditioned by the system we are born into, and by our copy cat responses, programmed into us by our parents who were also victims of victims, though of course they did their best for us with the situation and the knowledge they had, at that given time.

We are facing the prospect of a financial collapse of such proportion, that its consequences would scare us to death, and such a crash would make generations of peoples efforts and suffering over many hundreds or thousands of years a tragic and terrible waste. This system of money and debt is a malignant cancer, and can be likened to a gangrenous limb on the body of the planet, and society, which is killing most people spiritually and physically, and if it is not amputated and discarded very soon it will destroy the whole body. It is undoubtedly a Frankensteins monster and must be stopped somehow before it not only destroys itself, but destroys people’s lives even more than it already has.

Most brave people worldwide put on a courageous mask daily, and dare not say how they feel, or voice their innate, secret fear of helplessness, as they bravely go about their day, barely scratching a living to pay bills and eat. And let us not further fall into the trap of saying “it could be worse” and “there is noting we can do about it”, because that hopeless attitude has plunged us further and further into ruthless hands of our controllers, our puppet masters, who pull our strings as we dance in fear to their tune of dependency, and pluck our strings of trust.

No longer must we beg in demonstrations for a little bit more of this or that, like Oliver Twist asking “please sir may I have some more” : and let us not scratch around under the oligarchs dinner tables for their crumbs, but let us set new dinner tables for ourselves and believe at last that we can look after ourselves, completely independently of psychotic leaders who are steering us ever closer to the outcomes and consequences of their insane financial games and war games that are destined to destroy us. Let us remember that we must first believe it before we will see it. – Jason Liosatos.

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