Friday, April 12, 2013

Who Killed The Gold ? ~ Draghi Behind The Gold Sell-Off ?

ECB & Draghi's Cyprus Comments to Blame for Gold Sell-Off

Who's to blame for Friday's huge gold sell-off? Well, the European Central Bank President Mario Draghi of course! According to Vince Lanci, Draghi directed comments at Cyprus during a press conference earlier today, and his message was quite clear: sell your gold, or you won't see any of that bailout/ rescue money. We navigate through today's chaotic price movements and take a look at where gold may possibly go from here, all on this edition of "RESET" w/ Vince Lanci (FMX Connect/ Cameron Hanover). Kitco News, April 12, 2013.


  1. Their just playin the manipulation game saying their going to sell tons of gold, then flooding the exchanges w/sell orders of paper gold thus hitting sell stops driving down the price then buying their paper gold back at a lower price showing a nice profit for a days work. I luv it just allows me to buy a few oz's of Real Silver on sale....

  2. I suppose everyone especially those that are ignorant of what's going on will just rush to sell their gold now and buy Bitcoin!!....LOL...what a crazy world we are living in at the moment! Free market forces will rule in the end though not without some pain for many. Stay focused on getting / holding onto things of value...certainly not anything that is held as an asset that has counter party risk attached! Really great they continue this silly manipulating game...although ( yawn ) all a bit predictable and boring! Hold your gold n silver - store food, water..don't buy over priced real estate...another scam. Get out of cities and away from the ones your with. Cannot do much more than this and pursue the mind of God in your idle thoughts.
