Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Jordan Maxwell ~ The Whole Human Race Is Under Arrest

Jeff Rense & Jordan Maxwell - The Whole Human Race Is Under Arrest

Jordan Maxwell has been researching secret societies, occult philosophies, and ufology since 1959. His work is vast, extensive and covers many different areas. It is not only fascinating to explore, but too important to ignore. Jeff Rense asks him about: where do we come from and where are we going? they cover the mysterious past of humanity to the modern ongoing "dumbing down" of the human family and our transhuman future. They explore the mysterious, tackle problems and discuss the philosophy of Jordan Maxwell. Topics discussed: the mutation of the human race, the "new man", science, the mysterious, religion, teachers and geniuses, Nicola Tesla, Royal Rife, technology, J. Craig Venter, world wide plague, arrest development, community responsibility, astrological ages, occult studies, ad hominem attacks, Helena Blavatsky & Manley Palmer Hall, Theosophy & Freemasonry, Gore Vidal, intellect, wisdom, knowledge, the mind of God, spirituality, synchronicity .The Bible, End Times, Prehistory A breakdown of freemasonry the occult and the secret societies that rule out planet and control everything from the garbage they output on your TV to the garbage they print in your newspaper to the garbage they sell us and pass off as food, to the energy they use to control us whilst suppressing free energy devices. They control the drug cartels that sells us pills that dont heal us whilst suppressing anything that heals the human body. We will rid ourselfs of these parasites only by people becoming aware of there activities and how they operate.


  1. JM,

    Anyone who has done even just a little research into the bible, can see through your disinformation.

    Get real buddy.


  2. Jordan, Genesis 1:26,27 God Created both man n woman NOT ADAM N EVE but all the races that was the 6th day. God formed Thee Adam n helpmate Eve on the 8th day. Listen to Pastor Murray @ShepherdsChapel to hear Fathers Word taught chapter by chapter n verse by verse as its Fathers Letter to all of us. You would relize why some worship satan as he Beguiled(wholly Seduced)both Adam n Eve in the Garden Eves firstborn Cain was satans son 1John 3:12 tells you that.

    1. Thinking characters portrayed in allegory are actual historical figures leads to the above utterly foolish statements..for one adam is reason eve is feeling and the serpent represents the kundalini life force
