Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Crisis of Civilization ~ Nafeez Ahmed

Nafeez Ahmed -- The Crisis of Civilization

Author and international security analyst Dr Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed on The Crisis of Civilization. Dr Ahmed is author of A User's Guide to the Crisis of Civilization: And How to Save It, and co-producer of The Crisis of Civilization.

It often seems that different crises are competing to devastate civilization. The Crisis of Civilization argues that financial meltdown, environmental degradation, dwindling oil reserves, terrorism and food shortages need to be considered as part of the same ailing system.

Most accounts of our contemporary global crises focus on one area, or another, to the exclusion of others. The Crisis of Civilization suggests that the unwillingness of experts to look outside their own fields explains why there is so much disagreement and misunderstanding about the nature of the global threats we face. The Crisis of Civilization attempts to investigate all of these problem areas, not as isolated events, but as trends and processes that belong to a single global system. We are therefore not dealing with a 'clash of civilizations' as Samuel Huntington argued. Nor have we witnessed 'the end of history' that Francis Fukuyama prematurely declared. Rather, we are dealing with the end of the industrial age, a fundamental crisis of civilization itself.


  1. Naffeez your voodoo science on climate change
    put you in the group of megaphonies!
    We are now over 400 parts per million and the world climate is cooling once again! Climate change is not a problem! it is a natural event that has been occurring for eons today's climate is well within the bounds of normal variance. Take your voodoo and stick it where the sun don't shine!

  2. Other than disease, random accidents and other things that people have little or no control over, the cause of human suffering can be traced to neglect of their fundamental rights. Such rights include personal security, security of one's property and a fair share of Nature's bounty. The last can provide one's subsistence needs if one has equal access to Nature's water, food and building materials. There are many manmade systems that frustrate these rights and they are the culprits. Usually, these systems are invented, tolerated or supported by governments and that is where rectification must start.
    For more see web site

  3. @ first comment from Anonymous above: Your statement is a complete lie (also according to the scientifical research of ice core samples from the poles and how much of CO2 contain air bubbles from those samples and times long, long ago). Also, I would advise you the check about the EIS project and their visual and thus more comprehensible findings ... :>
