Saturday, May 18, 2013

Think The Big Banks should be broken up? You're in good company.

If Republicans, Democrats, Independents, FDIC Chairs, Bankers, the Inspector General for TARP, Nobel Prize-winning economists, muckrakers, economics professors, Occupiers, and Tea Partiers all agree that the big banks should be broken up, you've got to think twice before disagreeing.

0:07 -- Bill Moyers (PBS) and Matt Taibbi (Rolling Stone discuss how little has changed since 2008.
0:27 -- Robert Reich (fmr Labor Sec) explains why we need to break up the biggest banks
0:47 -- Sandy Weil (founder, Citi Bank) explains why he wants the banks to be broken up
1:04 -- Byron Dorgan gives the successful history of breaking up the banks.
1:32 -- James Rickards lists the folks who allowed the banks to get big again.
1:41 -- James Komansky (fmr CEO, Merril Lynch) regrets his decision to allow banks to get big again.
1:57 -- Luigi Zingales (economist, Univ. of Chicago) on the danger of consolidated banks.
2:13 -- Sheila Bair (fmr FDIC Chair) on why she would like to see the banks broken back up.
2:18 -- Nassib Taleb (NYU professor) calls the big banks a "cartel."
2:30 -- Joseph Stiglitz (Nobel laureate, Columbia economist) on why we don't have ordinary capitalism when banks are so big.
2:40 -- Nouriel Roubini (NYU economist) "if institutions are too big to fail, they are too big."
2:54 -- Simon Johnson (MIT economist) wonders if bigger really is better.
3:18 -- Neil Barofsky (TARP inspector) explains exactly what needs to happen.

A few of the politicians who want to end TBTF
3:41 -- Elizabeth Warren
4:00 -- Bernie Sanders
4:17 -- Ted Kaufman
4:32 -- Sherrod Brown
4:44 -- (quotes Alan Greenspan)
4:50 -- David Vitter (quotes George Will and Maureen Dowd)

5:29 -- Robert Reich drives it home
5:42 -- Now what?
5:49 -- "After the Great Depression we broke up the banks. We should do that again."


  1. oh oh the countdown can begin

    Do not believe a right descision can be made by thinking.
    Thinking is wothless without a foundation. We can easily be decieved

    - a drunken german -

  2. sorry boys is not the banks neither the economy,neither congress or anyone else. reality is technology has modified not only your communications, but finance and banking system, rubini and the lot are off, miles off. the purpose of technology is for you humans to have free time, no work, leisure pleasure, as robots and the lot will work for you (machines) bankers see it otherwise, they are still dreaming on the 19 century as well government, and probably 3/4 of the planet, but the game is over, forget capitalism or communism of the 20th century, is gone for ever.. technology is not apple, or Samsung, technology is a whole, a process. a mechanical process link to your brains and the half of your mind, the other half deals with consciousness.
