Friday, May 24, 2013

World Financial Collapse Coming Soon. ...The Final Warning.. 2013

The plan is to inflate their(banksters) troubles away, but at such a slow pace(5-10% per year) that no one will mind, too much. If they don’t print money fast enough, bank holidays, or Bail-Ins(Cyprus) will be necessary to save the banksters. Since banks are paying no interest, gold makes the most sense, followed by anything ‘Not in a Bank’.
Zimbabwe will look prosperous compared with where Obama is taking us.
As the dollar falls to parity with the old Zimbabwe currency, our weakling Congress is absolutely pathetic, too afraid to impeach a black communist for fear of looking racist, even while the country is heading toward smoldering ruins. A Pentagon coup is more attractive than another 3 years of Obama. At least then, there could be no pretense of legitimacy in government.

1 comment:

  1. the British empire did not collapse,however it is collapsing now, and will disappear as such, however the English language will continue to dominate it is just the financial domination, ideology and military might which is collapsing, just like the washington empire collapse permanently from 9/11. and now you just see the ripples of the 2001 collapse. america today is still a servant of the city on what banks and finance are concern..
