Thursday, June 13, 2013

Judge Napolitano : The ACLU Files Lawsuit Over Government Massive Phone Record Grab

Judge Napolitano with Cavuto ~ ACLU Files Lawsuit Over Government Massive Phone Record Grab
Our gov is outta of control. Educate yourselves people ! Regulations and overreach and constitutional values are at an all time high!!

Occupy our country till we play ball. How do you think our country would react to military occupation? We would be labeled as terrorists to just remember that. Our government is using the fear of terrorists to pass laws and policies that shred our Constitution and take our civil liberties more and more with every passing year. What I don't understand is why can people from other countries see whats happening but can't seem to see that big ass machine of governmental tyranny in our on backyard..

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, Judge Napolitano was on for what, 2 minutes? BANG UP JOB as ALWAYS FOX!
