Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Obama to Limit Greenhouse Emissions Through Executive Order

In an address at Georgetown University, President Barack Obama announced a new climate change plan aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The president zeroed in on new and existing power plants that burn coal, and called for public lands to generate power via wind and solar energy projects. Gwen Ifill reports.


  1. Welcome to the New World Order, This is what Obama was put there for.In Australia we have had this crap enforced upon us, renewable's have pushed the price of electricity through the roof up 22% this year and as much in the previous years. This is a scam for the "carbon traders " to make more money out of an overtaxed over governed world. Wind,and solar have destroyed our way of life in Australia. The costs are phenomenal and are being passed back onto the consumer for what? This is Mr Al Gores baby he has already established his carbon trading boards and is licking his lips at the fortune he will make at your expense.Do not forget this is a UN initiative designed to tax the entire world so a few men get rich. VOTE THE PRICKS OUT OF OFFICE AS WE ARE GONNA DO HERE IN AUSTRALIA. This is crimes against humanity stuff and the science is not settled Mr Obama, it has been cooling for 12 years plus. Stop lying you are about to kill off your manufacturing industry for a lie, because that is what is happening in Australia. How much have you and the Australian Government members been payed to implement this total BULLSHIT.

  2. Stop the Chemtrails they are limiting the earth sunshine necessary for solar energy. Reports claim that the suns energy to earth has been reduced by 25% due to Chemtrails. This is a scam and wind turbines kill birds and lose propellers causing damage. Where I they would be useless as we dont have much wind except before a rain storm.
