Tuesday, June 4, 2013

ObamaNation: History Repeats Itself...

virtually every word uttered by this man has been proven a lie. i used to say if america does not wake up soon its over. i am beginning to believe it may be too late. very few know whats coming. gonna be bad. real bad.

ObamaNation: History Repeats Itself...
(6:28) Obama Lies & Contradictions
(16:08) Barack Obama Signs NDAA Bill into Law Dec 31st. 2011 - Ron Paul explains the Bill
(17:47) Obama Administration ordering the execution of an American citizen (Awlaki) with Judge Napolitano!
(25:43) Obama's GUN CONTROL SPEECH on (April 3, 2013) Vs. [Reality]
(34:20) Obama's Birth Certificate is a FAKE, With evidence!
(38:31) (illuminati) Obama Related to all but one of the Presidents preceding him, found out by a 12 year old...

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