Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Danger of Free Will Without Responsibility – by Jason Liosatos

Free will without responsibility is a tiny child with a box of matches, or the United States and British Government with nuclear bombs.

Free will is a beautiful attribute in its most pristine form and usage, it is literally being a god or goddess with ultimate power to heal or harm, love or hate, build or destroy. Unfortunately at the moment it is quicker to destroy than to build. It takes a person twenty long years to be twenty and takes someone a moment to kill them. It takes millennia to build a city and a moment to drop a bomb on it. It takes sometimes years to build a beautiful relationship, and only one second and one word to destroy it.

In the heading I mean what I said literally because the US Government and Britain are continually using nuclear bombs in the conflicts they exacerbate, and it’s not very well publicized. Free will without responsibility is what has brought humanity to the brink of a nuclear holocaust. Just like free will without responsibility was the cause of the Jewish Holocaust at Auschwitz.

That free will without responsibility is what is destroying humans and the planet, whether you are eating six McDonalds burgers a day, hitting your wife, or ordering the bombings of Libya or Iraq, it’s the same thing. We have been blessed with free will but that blessing is a terrible burden and weapon in the wrong hands, and there are plenty of wrong hands doing the wrong things.

The other side of the coin is an incredible power of good, free will with thoughtful responsibility is like being god with the ability to move mountains and build a heaven on earth in moments. There is a revolution of conscious taking place on the planet which is incredible, but unless that revolution is grounded in free will with responsibility, and the intent to build a future, with no exceptions, on that basis, with a commitment to sanity and stability, and a return to ethics and morals, it won’t last.

The free will we have all been given is a heavy cross to bear with so many temptations around and on every corner. As I have said these temptations are like juicy worms on hooks placed for us to gobble up. An untarnished free will is a beautiful thing to hold in your hands, to really know deep down that you have passed the tests of time and are responsible enough to know you can withstand any test that can be thrown at you. Only once every human can have that will we be safe. – Jason Liosatos.

1 comment:

  1. Free will is here Jason always has been always will be, your writings are so elegant and on the spot. The trouble with free will is as you stated people using it the wrong way, I am a strong believer but everything is thrown in your way to stop your free will the Gov's know. Free will,you have to get out of the current slavery system and you and you only make your choices otherwise if you listen to others its not free will you are doing what other people preach.I say follow your heart deep inside every soul on this earth knows what is right and what is wrong and having the courage to follow your instincts without fear,without prejudice, without being maligned and classed.
