Monday, June 24, 2013

Wikileaks Assage Ex-Girlfriend with NSA Leaker Snowden on the Run

6/24/13 - ( Fugitive spy Edward Snowden dramatically fled Hong Kong yesterday accompanied by an ex-girlfriend of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The former CIA technician flew to Russia hours after the White House warned Hong Kong not to drag its feet over his extradition. Last night he slept in a hotel at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport. He is expected to fly to Cuba today for a connecting flight to South America.
His final destination is now known to be Ecuador after its foreign minister Ricardo Patino Aroca confirmed Snowden had applied there for asylum.
Assange, 41, has himself been holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for more than a year to avoid extradition to Sweden on sex charges.
Snowden, 30, was accompanied on his flight to Moscow by British activist, Sarah Harrison, a WikiLeaks spokesman and former girlfriend of Assange.
They travelled business class on Aeroflot flight SU213 and were met by officials from Ecuador including its ambassador to Moscow Patricio Chavez.
He told reporters at the airport: 'We're waiting for Sarah. We're going to talk to them.' Miss Harrison, who has also worked for the discredited Bureau of Investigative Journalism, was praised by WikiLeaks last night for 'courageously' assisting Snowden.

1 comment:

  1. yes they are home grown, better find out why there are terrorist, rather than devising means to find them. the cause of it, is what matters not the libido.
