Thursday, July 25, 2013

Americans Exposed to Cancerous Levels of Toxins

There are toxins in our foods thanks to companies like Obama's favorite donor Monsanto.

It looks like cancer may be in a lot of peoples' future. If tshtf, then conventional medicine may be unavailable. There are many herbal remedies that help boost your immune system and for some, have been a cure. Do your own research and stock up before you need them.

Here are the top sources of these food toxins:
Arsenic: poultry, cereal, salmon, tuna, mushrooms.
DDE: dairy, potatoes, meat, freshwater fish, pizza.
Dieldrin: dairy, meat, cucumber, cantaloupe, pizza.
Chlordane: dairy, cucumber, meat, popcorn, potatoes.
Dioxins: dairy, meat, potatoes, cereal, mushrooms.
Acrylamide: crackers, fried potatoes, cereal, graham crackers, chips.
Going organic and giving up processed foods is the best way to steer clear of these foods and know, with reasonable certainty, what you are putting in your body.

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