Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Trayvon Rally Shuts Down Oakland Freeway | Trayvon Martin Protest

Protesters outraged at the acquittal of George Zimmerman over the shooting death of Trayvon Martin briefly blocked a freeway in downtown Oakland on Monday night. It's the city's third demonstration in as many days. Police arrested several protesters.


  1. The people who are so vigorously protesting the verdict are guilty of the very thing they are protesting: blind racism. It's on that basis they are judging the case.

  2. Very true -- we have a jury of 6 women who voted "Not Guilty" and that is the way our legal system works, right or wrong; one of which was either hispanic or black herself. Now the media is circling around the jurors and pitting one juror's opinions and statements against the others, all in an attempt to stoke racial tensions and force the governments hands in a Civil Rights move...

    I guess people don't remember the Watts Riots or what happened after Rodney King's trial either -- these things get enflamed by the media, not calmed, and that's a stone cold shame.
