Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Chicago The next Detroit? - Chicago's Pensions Problems Raising Alarms - Bailout For Detroit?

Another Detroit? - Chicago's Pensions Problems Raising Alarms - Bailout For Detroit?

Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Newark, all appear to have a Minority Majority Problem.
3rd world immigration = higher crime rates.
Higher crime rates = Middle Class flight.
White flight = less people to tax.
Less people to tax = higher taxes.
Higher taxes = more Middle Class flight.
More Middle Class flight = financial collapse.
You can’t have a first world Nation with a 3rd world Population.

1 comment:

  1. Um we have a labor problem here and a black community dying off in a war with military gangs who are trying to incite race riots. But when you look at the loop's answer to Manhattan snob or had the pleasure of being beat down in the middle of an intersection by our cops you become very aware we are all brown. We are afraid for our neighborhoods and youth and they cannot process all our FOID cards or they just took the money because the capital has been vacated. What a lot of people do not know is they shut off the water 4 years ago to parts of Michigan. The same droves are leaving like that state - thousands per year. They do try to scaremonger but people still have some better states to go to for now. The federal is trying to enslave the state here. We are Greece. I have friends in collapsing governments and they all say the same thing. First there is no food, then there is a safety curfew and then the people storm the Bastille.
