Thursday, August 8, 2013

UKIP Godfrey Bloom on UK foreign aid to 'Bonga Bonga' (07Aug13)

UKIPs Godfrey Bloom on foreign aid to 'Bonga Bonga', something the presenter does not want to talk about.

UKIPs Godfrey Bloom shows how to end an interview when the presenter carries on asking bullshit questions, instead of the important issue, in this case, the £1bn a month of UK taxpayers money sent to "bonga bonga" countries so they can buy latest jets, sports cars etc. Recorded from Channle 4 News, 07 August 2013.

1 comment:

  1. Why should we give $$ to some place in the Congo when we need it at home. We shouldn t be in foreign wars either since we don t win, but waste.
