A team of remote viewers discuss the vision of a massive CME from the sun that changes life on earth. The world lives in fear, except the ones who live in love.The one I think could possibly happen next is the spaceship crashing to earth.The ISS is currently planned to be decommissioned and crashed into the ocean in 2020. This seems like a pretty short lifespan, considering how much time and money it took to get it up there. Do we really think they scrapped the 70s shuttle without having another manned space mission already operating? Well apparently they do, all classified and under military command. It feels like we, the public, are no longer being invited to participate in space exploration, all we get is Photoshops of Mars.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Webster Tarpley ~ The Imperialists are losing in Egypt
Webster Griffin Tarpley is a philosopher of history who seeks to provide the programs and strategies needed to overcome the current world crisis. As an activist historian he first became widely known for his book George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still a must read. Tarpley is a member of the "world anti-imperialist conference" Axis for Peace, of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and of a research Netzwerk of German 9/11 authors founded in September 2006. He is featured in the film, Zero: an investigation into 9/11 During 2008, he warned of the dangers of an Obama presidency controlled by Wall Street with Obama: The Postmodern Coup, The Making of a Manchurian Candidate and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography. His interest in economics is reflected in Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human HistoryAgainst Oligarchy. He is currently completing a study of Pearl Harbor as an episode in Wall Street's war against President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the New Deal, and FDR's economic bill of rights. His books have appeared in Japanese, German, Italian, French, and Spanish. From 1974 to 1984, he was a correspondent in central Europe, during which time he co-authored Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro (Who Killed Aldo Moro, 1978) a study of international terrorism. In 1979-80, he appeared as commentator for Teleradiosole, a television station in Rome. From 1984 to 1996, he was a correspondent in Washington DC. Tarpley is the co-author of George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), which has sold 30,000 copies and remains the only critical biography of the former President. In 1997 he published an anthology entitled Against Oligarchy: Essays and Speeches 1970-1996. These books can be consulted on the internet at www.tarpley.net. His 9/11 Synthetic Terror, the Bible of the 9/11 Truth Movement, has sold over 20,000 copies. His two books on Obama are virtually the only critical ones in print from a progressive viewpoint. Tarpley has lectured in numerous colleges and universities around the world. In 1995 he was named a consultant to the Universal Ecological Academy of Moscow. He holds an MA from Skidmore College and a Ph.D. in history from the Catholic University of America. Webster Tarpley's talk show World Crisis Radio is now broadcast on the Genesis World Report on GCNLive Free Internet Streaming Radio, Saturdays, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Eastern (1-3 Central, 11-1 Pacific), all 4 networks.
Secession: Can US States Make It, Without the Federal Government?
Breakdowns are done to show the cost to each state and the number of military bases which are supported by each state
Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief
Current Economic Collapse News -- News Brief -- Episode 121
In this news brief we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. We look to see if things are really that different. The central bank will not stop at just confiscating your wealth they will want your life. They want to enslave the people.
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Obamacare Workers Will NOT Receive Obamacare !!!
In order to ensure Americans understand how to access the benefits available to them when many provisions of the Affordable Care Act go online October 1, the Obama administration announced last month that it is setting up a call center that will be accessible to Americans 24 hours a day.
One branch of that call center will be located in California's Contra Costa County, where, reportedly, 7,000 people applied for the 204 jobs. According to the Contra Costa Times, however, "about half the jobs are part-time, with no health benefits — a stinging disappointment to workers and local politicians who believed the positions would be full-time." The county supervisor, Karen Mitchoff, called the hiring process "a comedy of errors" and said she "never dreamed [the jobs] would be part-time."
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News! Big News!
The Financial Armageddon : The Fall of America & the Western World - David Mcalvany
It's 2009 and millions of people have lost their jobs and homes while hundreds of banks have failed and Wall Street is reeling. Unfortunately, the worst is yet to come. Continuing from Part One, this DVD goes into greater detail on the many complicated financial catastrophes that have the world's economies in critical condition. In easy-to-understand language, renowned economist David McAvlany explains the Four Financial Storms that are about to strike the U.S. and the other world economies; storms that will be impossible to stop but if we prepare now, possible to weather and prevail. Are you going to be caught with your pants down as we head into greater inflation, hyper-inflation, national bankruptcy, a more severe credit crisis, the death of the dollar and, ultimately, the complete collapse of federal and state governments?
Do not be fooled by what you are being told. The current economic crisis is not getting better and our leaders' solutions of throwing bad money after bad money are bound to fail. Are you prepared to survive a total collapse? Don't be a victim -- get smart and get prepared.
You will also receive invaluable survival tips on how to act now to protect you and your family from personal economic devastation. Learn how to diversify your portfolio, buy metals, invest internationally, get out of debt, get liquid, and get smart -- before it is too late.
WORLD WAR 3 - NORTH KOREA stages largest MILITARY PARADE to mark war anniversary
NORTH KOREA stages largest MILITARY PARADE to mark war anniversary
Goose-stepping soldiers, columns of tanks and a broad array of ominous-looking missiles poised on mobile launchers paraded through Pyongyang's main square on Saturday in a painstakingly choreographed military pageant intended to strike fear into North Korea's adversaries and rally its people behind young ruler Kim Jong Un on the 60th anniversary of the armistice that ended the Korean War.
The lavish assembly of weapons and troops is reminiscent of the marches held by the Soviet Union and China at the height of the Cold War. It is one of the few chances the world gets to see North Korea's military up close. Although Pyongyang frequently uses the occasion to reveal new, though not always operational, hardware, there didn't appear to be any new weapons in Saturday's parade. Its arsenal of missiles, however, was front-and-center.
Overlooking a sea of spectators mobilized in Kim Il Sung Square to cheer and wave flags, leader Kim Jong Un saluted his troops from a review stand. He was flanked by senior military officials, the chests of their olive green and white uniforms laden with medals. As fighter jets screamed overhead, a relaxed looking Kim smiled and talked with China's vice-president. China fought with North Korea during the war and is Pyongyang's only major ally and a crucial source of economic aid. Kim did not make a speech.
North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un, right, is accompanied by Chinese Vice-President Li Yuanchao, center, as they greet spectators on Saturday. North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un, right, is accompanied by Chinese Vice-President Li Yuanchao, center, as they greet spectators on Saturday. (Wong Maye-E/Associated Press)
Kim's rule, which began in late 2011 after the death of his father, Kim Jong Il, has been marked by high tensions with Washington and Seoul. He has overseen two long-range rocket launches and a nuclear test that drew widespread condemnation and tightened UN sanctions.
North and South Korea have turned to tentative diplomacy in recent weeks, but March and April saw North Korean threats of nuclear war against Washington and Seoul in response to annual South Korean-U.S. military drills and UN condemnation of Pyongyang's February nuclear test, the country's third. Long-stalled North Korean nuclear disarmament talks show no sign of resuming.
On Thursday, Kim met Li in what was the highest-level talks between the two countries after their ties seemed to fray following Pyongyang's missile and nuclear tests in the past year, which led to tougher U.N. sanctions backed by Beijing.
Li told Kim that Beijing will push for talks on removing nuclear weapons from the Korean peninsula, according to China's Foreign Ministry.
China's official Xinhua news agency, in a commentary on Saturday, said the time was right for all sides to seek a permanent end to the state of hostilities on the peninsula, but added North Korea had to live up to its responsibilities.
"For Pyongyang's part, its security concerns are understandable and should be addressed properly, but violating U.N. Security Council resolutions is not helpful. It has to keep its end of the bargain," Xinhua said.
While anti-U.S. rhetoric was absent from the official ceremony, those attending the event were more than ready to pledge to strike their arch enemy when called to arms.
"American bastards have kept saying they will make war and that they will take over our country," said 80-year-old veteran Jang Jong-hwan. "Though we are old, we have renewed our resolve not to loosen our grip on our guns and to serve leader Kim Jong-un for eternity and achieve unification."
Li was also the leading guest on Friday night at the May Day Stadium in Pyongyang where a national meeting was held lauding the heroic battle fought by the armies of the two countries against the United States.
In the South Korean capital Seoul on Saturday, veterans of some of the 16 countries that fought under the U.N. command during the Korean War marked the truce at a more intimate event.
They do not control us, we empower them ~ Dont Join The Military
In order to prepare for the battlefield for this intellectual assault on the Debt and Death paradigm, I have prepared a couple of warning shots before Warbird's arrival.
They do not control us, we empower them.
serve your government with patriotic sense ONLY when they truly deserve it as mentioned by Mark Twain. Otherwise, like Voltaire said, break the social contract and eject out from the system. "All free men remember that in the final choice a soldier's pack is not so heavy a burden as a prisoner's chains." Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Luke Rudkowski Video Message to The World
Last year, Luke Rudkowski asked everyone for his birthday to send in a video of themselves saying one message they would share to the world. Luke then took all the responses and put them into one video compilation. The video turned out great and we'd like to do something similar again this year. Instead of just talking though, let's get out there and do something. We're asking you to go out and do a random act of kindness for a complete stranger (we'll be doing it too!). These days we're often caught up in complaining about how the world is and how people should fix it. But in reality, it's up to ourselves to make the difference. So let's make another amazing video together and hopefully inspire others and remind people that we all have the ability inside of ourselves to create the better world that we want to live in.
White House Repeatedly Calling Scandals "Phony" Or "Fake"- IRS Benghazi Press Fast & Furious
Detroit Bankruptcy Raising Questions About Future Of Other Cash-Strapped Cities
Detroit was once one of America's biggest and most productive cities. Millions of people had jobs in the automobile industry, and the city also attracted other big business. But for years the industry has been suffering and this week it hit a new low.
Coming Economic Collapse United States 2014
Should The Arab Governments take urgent measures to protect Religious Minorities ? ~ The Doha Debates
Doha, Qatar. - A former Archbishop of Canterbury has attacked religious laws in Saudi Arabia, saying they prevented non-Muslims from worshipping and were "profoundly unjust".
Lord Carey of Clifton, speaking at the latest Doha Debate, said there were other governments whose attitudes ranged from "gloomy" to "downright awful".
"The worst," he added, "is Saudi Arabia where non-Muslims cannot worship."
Such criticism is normally unthinkable at a public forum in the Gulf, where the media remain under strict censorship and officials avoid any adverse remarks about neighbouring countries.
Lord Carey, who was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1991 to 2002, made his comments during a debate on the motion: "This House believes that Arab governments should take urgent measures to protect religious minorities."
Seventy-eight percent of the mainly-Arab audience voted in favour of the motion.
Among the other speakers was Roger Bismuth, a Tunisian senator and currently the only elected Jewish legislator in the Arab world. He said it was hard to protect minorities - often disparate groups, scattered across a country - and instead favoured better education in order to counter extremism.
But his argument came under fire from Chairman Tim Sebastian who reminded Bismuth he had personally intervened with the Tunisian government after recent death threats to Jews on the streets of the capital.
"I wanted to protect against verbal aggression," he countered when Sebastian said he had instructed an Arab government to protect his minority.
Against the motion was Fadi Daou, a Lebanese Maronite priest, who argued that governments should fight extremism rather than stigmatise minorities. Many Christians in the Arab world, he said, don't consider themselves a minority.
"The government should face the source of the threat and focus on fighting extremism," he added.
The Doha Debates were launched in 2004 and are staged before a young audience in the Qatari capital Doha, and televised on BBC World News, available in 300 million homes in 200 countries.
Laurence Kotlikoff ~ A Balanced Discussion on "Too Big to Fail"
Professor Laurence Kotlikoff. Prof. Kotlikoff is a Professor of Economics at Brown University and President of Economic Security Planning, Inc., a company specializing in financial planning software. Prof. Kotlikoff is author or co-author of 16 books and hundreds of professional journal articles. Professor Kotlikoff also sought the nomination for President of the United States in 2012 for the advocacy group Americans Elect and the Reform Party of the United States.
Systemic risk and "TBTF" are again the subject of intense debate on Main Street, Wall Street and in the halls of Congress. This panel discussion provided a well-balanced presentation of the "TBTF" problem, and various ways to address it.
Panelists include Harvey Rosenblum, Paul Saltzman, Laurence Kotlikoff, Cornelius Hurley and William P. Mayer
Hosted by the Center for Finance, Law & Policy on March 26, 2013.
Jimmy Carter : America no longer has a Functioning Democracy
MARC FABER : This is Going To End Very Badly
Marc Faber is a leading investment adviser and Director of Marc Faber Ltd. He is known notably for his monthly investment newsletter, the “Gloom, Boom and Doom Report”, which highlights unusual investment opportunities. He is also an author of several books, including Amazon.com bestseller, “Tomorrow’s Gold”, and a regular contributor of leading financial publications worldwide. A regular speaker at various investment seminars, Dr. Faber is well-known for his contrarian investment approach. With this, I am pleased to welcome Marc Faber this morning. Hello, Marc.
Marc: Hi.
SMN: Great, Marc. There’s quite a bit of news going on right now, especially with the speech from Ben Bernanke yesterday. Marc, the Fed’s FOMC meeting minutes for June have just been released, and it appears that there’s a division amongst Fed members. There are those who believe that the Fed should begin to taper quantitative easing. Bernanke announced in his speech yesterday that QE will not be tapered at this time. Do you believe that the Federal Reserve will end QE in the future? If so, what would happen to our financial system if they did so?
Marc: First of all, I don’t think they will end QE. I rather think they will have to increase it because as you print money or as you purchase assets, from a central banking point of view, it loses its impact over time. In order to keep the impact going, you have to essentially increase it. I believe that the Dovish members of the Fed will print more money. Especially after the resignation of Mr. Bernanke early next year, when he will be replaced, there will be even more Dovish members.
SMN: You think it’s going to get even worse, and money printing is just going to continue indefinitely?
Marc: Yes, for now. Yes, until the system breaks down. My view would be that there will be money printing, and the problem with money printing is always that you don’t control where it goes to. Ideally, it would go into higher incomes of the middle class and of the working class, but this hasn’t really happened. The real wait is for the typical household or the medium household, they are going down. What is going up is basically selected asset markets, like the real estate market has recovered. In some areas, we’ve hit new highs. The stock market has gone up. But as you know, only very few people own stocks in the United States, so it doesn’t impact the wealth of the majority of people.
SMN: Do you think the Federal Reserve is naive enough to think that they can control where this money flows?
Marc: I think that the Fed is completely clueless. It is composed by a group of academics. Most of them, or I would say 95 percent, have never worked in a regular job in their lives. They all went to universities and then they went to the Fed or other financial institutions. They have no clue what makes an economy move.
Having printed this much money, and we are essentially in QE4 and QE unlimited, the results have been very dismal. I think the Fed is scratching their head at the present time and can’t believe that when their objective was actually to lower interest rates from July 25 of last year, the ten year Treasury note yield has gone up from roughly 1.4% to, a few days ago, 2.7%. We have an almost doubling of the interest rate because of their QE programs. I think that really makes them scratch their heads and wonder, “What did we do wrong? What do we need to do? Do we taper, or do we have to increase asset purchases?”
SMN: That seems to be the division amongst the Fed members right now. They don’t seem to really know which direction they need to go.
Marc: As I said, in my view, they’re clueless.
SMN: I have to agree with that. It seems to be that way.
Marc: I have to point out another thing. I don’t pay much attention to what the Fed publishes. When you read their statements, they are completely confused and very vague. In other words, all is data-driven. If the stock market dropped ten, 20 percent, for sure there would be more QE programs.
On the other hand, if the economy is very strong, they may taper off somewhat. You get the picture. The worse the situation is in the US, whether regarding asset markets or the economy, the more QE there will be. The Fed doesn’t know anything else.
SMN: Exactly. They’re just money printers. Do you think that the United States is still the world’s dominant financial power, or do you believe that China is now running the show behind the scenes?
Marc: No. This is a point I wanted to make. I think that for now, the US is still the dominant financial market and the dominant financial power. I think we have numerous problems in China, and I personally pay more attention to what is happening in China and in other emerging economies than to what Mr. Bernanke is saying.
SMN: Because really, at this point, you can’t really believe what they’re saying.
Marc: The Chinese are not completely dishonest, but if you read between the lines of the hard-core statistics in China, in my view, they don’t match with the public statistics about GDP growth. The economy is growing at say, maximum 4 percent per annum, not 7.5 percent or 7.7 or 7.6 percent.
SMN: It’s true. It doesn’t seem like you can believe much of central bank numbers anywhere, including the Fed.
Marc: Worldwide, you shouldn’t believe governments, period. I think you should believe market action. When markets go up, they give you a message, and when the markets go down, they give you a message. The only problem nowadays is that the messages from markets have been distorted by very significant government intervention into the free market, so you can’t rely on the information provided by the market participants any longer.
SMN: The numbers just can’t be believed, I believe. We’ve often asked our guest experts about which asset classes our listeners should invest in, and what percentage of their portfolios should be in precious metals versus other investments. One of our listeners, who is a small businessman, has been following the experts’ advice and purchases precious metals as a store of value. He’d like to ask how he would know when it’s time to exit precious metals and what the best exit strategy is.
Marc: I think that’s a very good question. By the way, I would say maybe in the fall of 2011, when gold prices reached $1,921 an ounce in September 2011, I should have issued a sell recommendation and said, “Get out of gold and get into cash or the SNP.” In general, I think that we are still in massive money printing and the worse the economy becomes, the more money printing there will be. I’m holding onto my gold. As I explained before, I bought some gold at $1,300 an ounce and I bought some more gold at $1,200 an ounce.
SMN: Your gold is more of an insurance policy against government manipulation and/or a collapse?
Marc: I’m aware of some people, including Eric Sprott, that believe that there is manipulation in the system. Where I tend to agree with him is that maybe central banks don’t have all the gold they claim they have, because something must be funny. The Germans have asked for the gold to be returned to Germany. Why would it take eight years to do that? There’s no reason. You can do it in three months.
As I said, I don’t know, but one of the reasons I would be inclined to believe in some manipulation would be, let’s say you’re a central bank, like the Fed. You don’t have the gold that you declared and you know that you have to buy it back at some point. Then, you may wish to manipulate the price down until you can cover your short position in gold at a reasonable cost. There will still be losses, but you can cover them at a reasonable cost. That is really the only reason I could see why a central bank would want to depress the price of gold.
SMN: Do you believe that the attack that began in April is part of that, what you were just speaking of?
Marc: Not really. As I said, I wouldn’t trust central bank’s intellect very much. I don’t really think that they would see a connection.
SMN: You just don’t give them enough faith to be that thoughtful.
Marc: No. I have actually a very low opinion of most central bankers.
SMN: Governments around the world are laying down the pieces for bail-in plans. A lot of our audience is worried that their precious metals will be taken away from them, even if they’re stored outside of the banking system. Do you think physical gold and silver are protected from confiscation if they’re held outside the banking system and stored at a respected facility, like Brink’s?
Marc: Yes, that’s a good question. I wonder what will happen one day. Let’s take the worst-case scenario. We have either a social unrest, a revolution, or war. Governments decide, “Oh, the price of gold is going up substantially, let’s take it away from people.” In other words, you expropriate it. I think it will, at that stage, not matter very much where you hold your gold, except it may matter where you hold your gold in terms of sovereign state. My sense is that the Asian countries are less likely to take the gold away than Western countries.
SMN: You think they can be more trusted, say, than the United States?
Marc: I wouldn’t say that I would trust them much more. I don’t trust any government, period. But if there are significant problems, I think they would come from over-indexness. In other words, the debts are too burdensome for the system, and then it leads to all kinds of symptoms.
In other words, if you can’t pay your debts, you may print money, or you default, or you increase taxation, or you take things away from the well-to-do people, the evil people that make so much money. Well, the Federal Reserve enables them to make so much money. That is a key difference. They didn’t abuse the system; they just took advantage of a situation of money printing so their wealth increased more than the wealth of the middle class and the lower classes.
In the Western world, they’ll go after these well-to-do people and people that own gold. In Asia, I’m not so sure this will happen because Asia is increasingly coming under the umbrella, our own umbrella of China. The Chinese government has actually encouraged people to accumulate gold, and themselves, they are accumulating gold.
SMN: Exactly. It seems like China is encouraging their citizens to invest in honest, real money, and in the United States and other Western countries in general, I should say, they’re encouraging their citizens to invest in debt.
Marc: In the Western world, the central banks and the academics hate gold because they personally never owned it. Especially since 1999, despite the recent setback, gold has significantly outperformed equities. The central bankers and the academics at universities that are neo-Keynesian, in other words, the idea of more and more government intervention and more and more expansionary fiscal and monetary measures, these people hate gold. If they have the opportunity to take it away, especially if, as Eric Sprott maintains, that the gold is not even there, they would have an incentive to buy the gold at the low level, once they collect all the gold, reevaluate by ten times.
SMN: You think that their eventual end-game could be confiscation.
Marc: They won’t confiscate it and not pay anything. That would be, I guess, completely against the law. But say the price today, say around $1,200-something, then what they can do is they could essentially say, “Okay. We collect all the gold and pay $800.” More likely is that they would first try to depress it to $800 and then do it, then they’ll pay $800. Once they collect all the gold, like in 1933, they reevaluate to say, $10,000.
SMN: Marc, what’s to stop the money printers, such as the United States and Japan, who seem to be printing unlimited amounts of money? What will prevent them from printing many more billions and simply buy gold bullion as their final act if they get desperate enough?
Marc: I think that is a very good question. Like the aristocracy in Europe in the 18th Century, they didn’t give up just the power. They kept that power, same as the aristocracy in Russia in the 19th Century. They didn’t give up the power. Eventually, they were slaughtered. I believe what will eventually happen is that you have a financial collapse of dimensions so bankers can’t do anything.
SMN: You think it’s just going to end and the people are basically going to take back their roots?
Marc: I’m not thinking. I’m convinced. It will end very badly. It doesn’t mean it has to be tomorrow, you understand. I’m a car mechanic and I tell you, “Look, your car has several problems.” In a week’s time, you’re telling me, “Look, I’ve been driving and it still works perfectly fine.” The car may still work for another year, or two years, or three years, and one day, you have a crash. And then, you will think back, “Maybe back then I should have repaired my car.”
SMN: They just don’t want to. They’re saving the nickels and dimes and just driving it over the cliff, basically.
Marc: The problem is the car mechanic. He’s not completely stupid like a central banker. He knows how to repair a car, but the central bankers don’t know how to repair the complex financial system we have today.
SMN: Do you think that’s because of a lack of real-world experience that they have?
Marc: Partly, because, you see, for investors, Bernanke comes out very well as the man who saved the financial system. Why did we have a financial crisis in the first place? Because the central bankers, mostly the Fed in the US but also the Bank of England and incidentally, also in Canada and Australia, they paid no attention to excessive credit growth, and so you end up with an over-leveraged system and with boundless speculation in financial assets.
Then the crisis happens and they print money, and everybody applauds. Of course, they applaud the funds manager because the water level in the bathtub has increased by money printing. The asset values of portfolios go up and the fees fund managers earn also go up. So they’re all very happy.
But the man on the street, he’s a little bit less happy because his wage is going up less than the cost of living increases. In real terms, he’s losing out. That’s why, if you look at, say, corporate profits, they are extremely elevated in the United States as a percent of the economy.
On the other hand, wages and salaries as a percent of the economy are at record lows. So you have, essentially, through money printing, created financial wealth and impoverished the working class, like you and me.
SMN: The rich get richer, basically.
Marc: Yes. I’m not complaining about it, because I’m also benefiting from it. I’m just saying you’re not going to build sustainable, permanent economic growth with these kinds of policies. Something will give one day.
SMN: That’s right. Marc, do you think that gold is going to continue with losses in this year? It seems to be stabilizing a bit, the same as silver, based, basically, on Ben Bernanke’s QE to infinity statement just yesterday. Or do you think the losses are going to keep going into 2014 and gold is going to be stagnant and going sideways?
Marc: You mean that gold would go down further?
SMN: Yes.
Marc: To tell you the truth, I was expecting gold to be in a correcting mode after 2011, but I didn’t expect the price to come down this much because had I expected it to happen and had I been sure about it happening, I probably would have sold my gold and bought it back more recently. Equally, I have an asset allocation and I don’t feel comfortable holding cash with banks. I don’t feel comfortable with any paper currencies, so at all times, I want to have some of my money in metals.
Whether it will go lower or not, that I don’t know. Actually, my physical gold, I don’t even value. I know that I have it, and whether it goes up or not, it doesn’t change the fact of my decision to own it or to sell it. My decision is to at all times hold gold.
SMN: Has the Cyprus confiscation got you worried about paper money and the banking system in general?
Marc: I was just now writing about the 1970s, because I started to work in 1970. At that time, I can tell you precisely, the US Stock Market capitalization was slightly in excess of $800 billion. The total bonds market at that time was slightly below $800 billion. These are total global bonds. Over the last 40 years, we had a huge expansion of the financial sector as a percent of the real economy. There has been GDP growth and some countries opened up, like China and the former communist countries, that I concede. But still, on top of a real economy that is say 100, we’ve built financial sector liabilities of something like 1,000. In other words, the financial markets completely dwarf the real economy.
I believe in reverting to the mean. In other words, at some stage, every inflation leads to deflation in that particular sector, whether it’s housing, the NASDAQ, the NIKKEI, or whatever it is. I believe one day, paper money and financial assets will be destroyed, but I’m not saying tomorrow. Maybe it happens from a market capitalization that is much higher. Someone said to me, “The DOW Jones will go to 100,000.” Yeah, it’s possible. If you print money, everything is possible.
SMN: But do you think that will be worth anything?
Marc: I don’t know what the end game will be, and whether we’ll still be alive or whether we’ll be in wars or in revolutions as the worst. That’s why I want to hold some physical gold. There’s no point to hold physical gold somewhere in the sky. I would hold some physical gold in my proximity. In other words, I own some in Thailand and some in Hong Kong. I still have too much in Europe, but over time, I will move it to Asia.
SMN: How do you see it all ending, Marc? Do you see the money printers just continuing to go off the cliff, or do you see them come to their senses at one point?
Marc: I don’t think they will come to their senses for the simple reason that insane people don’t realize that they are insane. They think they’re doing a great job. I talk to these people from time to time, and I know some of them. If you have a serious discussion with them, they lean towards the view, “Had we not implemented the QE programs, we would be in the greatest depression ever, so we’ve done a fantastic job.” The view is also, “If anything, we need to do more, not less.”
SMN: That seems like complete insanity to me, because it seems like they were the ones that got us into this problem in the first place.
Marc: Look, we know what the result was of Stalin’s economic policies and so forth. The planning economy is a complete failure. But now, recently, they announced that they would also implement some macroeconomic policy decisions in structuring interest rates and monetary policies. They really think that they can steer the economy and that they can steer markets. Milton Friedman has written about this extensively. He thinks the introduction of essentially the Federal Reserve and with fiscal measures, the economic volatility in the US in the 20th Century was much higher than in the 19th Century, and this is correct.
One of the goals of so-called Keynesian policies would be to stabilize economic activity. In other words, you don’t have huge business cycle fluctuations and you have relative price stability. But please, tell me, where is economic stability nowadays, and where is price stability? Oil prices move up and down like crazy, home prices move up and down like crazy, and the stock market does the same. There’s far less stability than there ever was before, complementary of the Federal Reserve and essentially of the US Treasuries fiscal policies.
SMN: It just seems to be bubble after bubble. In conclusion, Marc, could you tell us about your newsletter and any upcoming speaking engagements that you may have? I think our audience would be very interested to hear about those.
Marc: I have two newsletters. One is a printed report which goes out by mail. It’s called “The Gloom, Boom and Doom Report”. The other one is a website report that is emailed out. For further Information, you can go to www.gloomboomdoom.com, all in one word.
SMN: Thank you very much for joining us today, Marc. It was an interesting interview, to say the least, and I hope that you will come back and join us one day.
Marc: Thanks a lot. Bye bye.
SMN: Thank you, Marc. Bye bye.
John Hogue ~ What You Havent Been Told about The New Pope

Pope Francis is going to shock the Catholic Church as deeply as any pope ever has in its history. John Hogue tells us how and why. Make no mistake, by choosing the name Francis for the first time in the history of the papacy, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio is making a powerful statement. The cardinals who are in rebellion against the Roman Curia have won the election and this pope is going to repeat the attempt made by Pope John-Paul I to clean up the Vatican's notoriously corrupt governing body.
Infamously, John Paul died mysteriously with a list of members of the Curia who were to be purged literally lying on a table beside his bed. Immediately after his death, all pills and food that had been near him were removed and have never been seen since. His body was embalmed and he was buried, and rumors flew about his death. John Cornwell, in his book A Thief in the Night, established that there were clear signs of serious illness, but they were willfully ignored and he was, at the least, allowed to die when he could have been saved.
What will happen when Pope Francis confronts the Curia with the "Relatio," a document prepared under the direction of Cardinal Julian Herran, which is said to reveal blackmail, secret cabals and criminal activity rampant in the Curia? Pope Francis has spoken critically of the church's governing body many times. And what of the Vatican Bank, which is under intense scrutiny for money laundering and will lose its access to the Euro unless it discloses more of its activities?
John Hogue, using a combination of a high level of knowledge and information, informed by his deep understanding of prophecy, discusses what is likely to happen during the reign of the new pope—who, according to the Prophecy of St. Malachy, could be the last—at least to govern the Church as it is now organized.
You are likely to learn more on this edition of Dreamland about what is actually happening in the Vatican than on any other program in the world.
China Threat to America ~ Frank Wuco
CEO of Red Mind Solutions and retired Naval Intelligence Officer Frank Wuco discussed the situation in the Middle East. Wuco warned of a looming massive conflict that has been building for years between the Sunni and Shia in the Middle East. According to Wuco, Iranians granted Syria's leaders (the Assad family) Shia religious legitimacy, which in turn allowed Iran access to influence the rest of the region through Syria. Iran has much to lose if Syria falls, he explained, noting that the current proxy Sunni-Shia war in Syria is spilling over into other Middle Eastern nations, including Iraq and Lebanon. The Sunni extremists of the Muslim Brotherhood currently in control of Egypt view the Shia as a heretical sect of Islam, he added. Wuco also commented on the Osama bin Laden takedown, intelligence leaks confirming the CIA's role in aiding rebel fighters in Syria, and America's ongoing war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan.
People's Liberation Army
A PLAAF Chengdu J-10 fighter aircraft.
With 2.3 million active troops, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is the largest standing military force in the world, commanded by the Central Military Commission (CMC).[216] The PLA consists of the People's Liberation Army Ground Force (PLAGF), the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), the People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF), and a strategic nuclear force, the Second Artillery Corps. According to SIPRI, China's military expenditure in 2011 totalled US$129.2 billion (923 billion yuan), constituting the world's second-largest military budget. However, other nations, such as the United States, have claimed that China does not report its real level of military spending, which is allegedly much higher than the official budget. A 2007 report by the US Secretary of Defense noted that "China's actions in certain areas increasingly appear inconsistent with its declaratory policies". For its part, China claims it maintains an army purely for defensive purposes.
As a recognised nuclear weapons state, China is considered both a major regional military power and a potential military superpower. As of August 2011, China's Second Artillery Corps is believed to maintain at least 195 nuclear missiles, including 75 ICBMs. Nonetheless, China is the only member of the UN Security Council to have relatively limited power projection capabilities. To offset this, it has begun developing power projection assets, such as aircraft carriers, and has established a network of foreign military relationships that has been compared to a string of pearls.
World War III (WWIII or the Third World War) is a hypothetical conflict that denotes a successor to World War II (1939--1945). The conflict would be on a global scale, with common speculation that it would probably be a nuclear war and devastating in nature.
In the wake of World War I, World War II, the commencement of the Cold War and the development, testing and use of nuclear weapons, there was early widespread speculation as to the next global war. This war was anticipated and planned for by military and civil authorities, and explored in fiction in many countries. Concepts ranged from the limited use of atomic weapons, to the destruction of the planet.
Prophecies Fulfilled (end) 12 - What I must do from now, Righteous Acts of Saints
Investing money for the greatest return ever can only be found at this moment. This is a very unique period and a very rewarding time for Christian to dwell in. God loves mankind so much that He will try His very best to ensure that as many people as possible will not be destined to hell but will find solace in the presence of the Father God in heaven.
The coming World War3, famines, plagues, pestilences, along with great earthquakes resulting in huge tsunamis will kill 1/4 of all mankind. This will be a very trying time for all but also a time of great harvest for those who work alongside with the Almighty God. This is the will of God that the hungry will find food in Christians' homes or churches (only those who have stock up food and bibles) and later find salvation and discipleship there.
The money that God has entrusted to us as His stewards if invested in accordance to His word will find millions and millions of souls saved during this time of the 4th. Seal (green or pale horse). This new Christians will be ready to face the Great Tribulation in the 5th. Seal.
All those who hoards God's money especially during this end time will have to face Him for the abuses and misuse of His funds.
Continuation in the New Series 'Coming World War 3 (Fulfillment of 4th Seal)'
Bitcoin Ends The Banks Monopoly ?
Why do privately owned central banks have the right to create money out of thin air and loan it to the government of the people? Surely the government should print its own currency interest free and make interest on loaning that money to the private banks? banks are gansters and gansters are banks
Digital currency Bitcoin is gaining popularity around the globe as people become more and more dissatisfied with the conventional banking system. Instant, safe and nearly anonymous, is what Bitcoin claims to be. It takes no commission for transactions and can be used internationally wherever you have internet access. Is it the currency of the future? We talk to Bitcoin developer from UK Amir Taaki.
Cyber Crime ~ 5 hackers charged with biggest US card fraud ever
When a bank robs the state through fraud, manipulation or tax evasion, it is concluded that it is the state's fault for not having solid enough laws to stop them. When a person robs the bank, it is a massive crime though.
A US court has charged four Russians and a Ukrainian with stealing huge amounts of credit card numbers. They are suspected of hacking into the computers of major retailers, payment processors and banks - which resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in losses
Fukushima Daiichi TEPCO Hiding Contamination Data
The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant says it will increase checks for strontium and tritium in groundwater near the damaged reactors.
Tokyo Electric Power Company workers detected the radioactive materials in groundwater taken from an observation well on the sea side of the No.2 reactor building. Company officials say they found no major changes in radiation levels in nearby seawater.
But they plan to set up more monitoring posts and observation wells. And they will reinforce nearby embankments to prevent contaminated groundwater reaching the sea.
TEPCO officials say wastewater spilled out into the sea near the No.2 reactor building in April 2011. They say highly radioactive materials might have seeped into the ground and ended up in the well about 30 meters from the sea.
Workers will also check a nearby underground tunnel to determine how the groundwater was contaminated.
Tokyo Electric has again drawn criticism for a delay in revealing the latest incident.
Workers took a sample of the groundwater on May 24th.
Officials at the plant were aware by May 31st that tritium levels were higher than the government-set level.
But they did not share the data with TEPCO executives until June 11th. It took another week for the company to make the data public.
TEPCO officials say they were waiting for results of strontium tests, which take longer. They apologized for the delay.
Jun. 19, 2013 - Updated 10:45 UTC
Fukushima Prefecture has demanded that Tokyo Electric Power Company quickly determine how the groundwater was contaminated with radioactive material, and take steps to prevent it leaking into the sea.
The prefecture summoned the utility's managing director, Akio Komori, to the prefectural government office on Wednesday.
Komori apologized for the trouble and pledged to determine its cause and to step up monitoring.
The head of the prefecture's environment division, Tetsuya Hasegawa, expressed disappointment that the trouble happened amid repeated requests to guarantee safety in handling contaminated wastewater in the process of scrapping the plant's reactors.
The prefecture later decided to step up its own monitoring of seawater near the plant.
Jun. 19, 2013 - Updated 10:32 UTC
The operator of the disabled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is still struggling to control the flow of groundwater into the reactor buildings 2 years after the accident.
A government panel is now proposing that a "frozen wall" be built around the buildings to prevent groundwater from seeping into the site.
The panel has been discussing measures against the groundwater since April when leaks were found in underground storage pools for contaminated water.
One measure being considered is to pump up the groundwater before it reaches the reactor site and release it into the ocean.
But the panel members say it would be difficult to contain 400 tons of groundwater per day. Fishermen also oppose the plan.
Another plan would be to bury coolant pipes and freeze the ground around the reactor buildings in order to make "frozen walls".
The panel members say the new plan comes with some technical difficulties. The operator would need to make sure that the groundwater level does not drop too much or else the contaminated water inside the site could seep out.
The panel will finalize the plan at a meeting on Thursday. It will call on the government and Tokyo Electric Power Company to urgently consider the plan.
TEPCO Admits Hiding The Fact Radiation Is Leaking Into The Ocean! They Didn't Want To Worry The Public
TEPCO's entire board should be jailed. This is now a worldwide event. This has happened since day one of the disaster and they have not revealed a damn thing. Didn't want to worry the public, one of the most polite and well mannered societies on Earth. Oh the sheer chaos that would have ensued! I'm sure it would have been just like the L.A. riots. Let's be real, they're poisoning everything.Enjoy the rain in north America , This is the worst event in human history and for the planet
Economic Collapse ~ US worst place to live
The greatest nation on earth (US politicians & media) exposed as among the worst in the West... on all life indicators, why China steams ahead, plans for Land of the Tax Free + the proud record the States share with Lesotho, Liberia, Papua New Guinea and Swaziland. Seek truth from facts with Belle Isle: Detroit's Game Changer author Rod Lockwood, Chair of Chinese Intl. Affairs Barry Naughton, The Personality and Well-Being Lab Director Dr. Ryan Howell, Political Science Professor Joseph Cheng, and Fox host Bill O'Reilly.
Today, Detroit. Tomorrow, Hometown, USA
Detroit is bankrupt! Surprised? You shouldn't be. This has been a long time coming, and given the state of the city it should be a surprise to no one. Insane crime stats, nearly 80,000 abandoned buildings, and 40% of the city has no public illumination after darkness falls.
I visited the city 15 years ago as a teenager and was dumbfounded by the empty streets and abandoned, rickety buildings everywhere. I can only imagine what it's like now.
Is this part of a larger overall trend? I think given the debt situation in most western countries, including the USA and Canada, we will see more of this in the near future. Once the public wakes up to the true debt floating around, and that the dollars the banks and the government are throwing around are fabrications, there may be a major correction about to occur. I hope I'm wrong, but all the signs are pointing that way.
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "The Desire Of Power" - (7/24/13)
Gerald Celente - Trends In The News - "The Desire Of Power" - (7/24/13)
Trends in the News: Disgusting News Day! Criminal charges pressed against SEC, Haliburton pleads guilty to destroying Gulf spill evidence , "Complete media gridlock, Cuba's harsh self assessment & the lust for more power and control."
North Korea War Anniversary Spectacle
North Korea's War Anniversary Spectacle
The nation goes into propaganda overdrive as it holds a huge celebration involving 150,000 people to mark the end of the war.
4:47am UK, Saturday 27 July 2013
Video: North Korea's Mass Propaganda Push Email
North Korea has marked the 60th anniversary of the truce that ended fighting in the Korean War with a massive celebration in the capital Pyongyang.
The country's leader Kim Jong-Un, flanked by China's Vice President Li Yuanchao, attended a spectacular display of acrobats, gymnasts and dancers at the 11th annual Arirang Festival.
Much of the seating in the city's 150,000-capacity May Day Stadium was taken up by performers who used a series of coloured cards to create moving images.
North Korea - which calls the annual event a "mass gymnastic and artistic performance" - celebrates the signing of the July 27 1953 armistice at the end of the war as a victory against the US and South Korea.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, China's Vice President Li Yuanchao, arrive for performance "Arirang", in Pyongyang Kim Jong Un attended the spectacular display
Sky's Asia correspondent Mark Stone, who was granted access to the reclusive country and attended the performance, said: "I've never seen anything quite like it.
"It's a stadium that seats 150,000 people. Consider the fact the Emirates Stadium in London seats about 60,000 people. It was an extraordinary celebration.
"The Arirang performance, as it's known, takes place every year, but this year is clearly much, much bigger because it's 60 years since the end of the Korean War.
"That's why we've been invited to North Korea, and, of course, is what the North Korean government wants us to see.
North Koreans perform during a mass gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang" in Pyongyang Many performers took part in the extravaganza
"But what we're not able to see is what's going on outside Pyongyang.
"People who get to live in the city are the most loyal. But 60 or 70 miles from here there is a prison camp, with perhaps more than double the number of people who were in the stadium today.
"It seems like propaganda in overdrive. It was only four or five months ago that we were reporting on Kim Jong -Un's belligerence.
"He was threatening all out nuclear war, and there were suggestions then that he wasn't very stable - that those around him weren't convinced about his leadership.
Performers take part in a mass gymnastic and artistic performance "Arirang" in Pyongyang The night sky was lit up by fireworks
"But I don't get any sense of that now. I spoke to a senior diplomatic source in Pyongyang today and his view was that Kim Jong-Un was about as stable as he could ever be, and he sees no sign of this country collapsing anytime soon."
He added: "It's a very, very strange place. The cult of personality is what keeps it going. These people are cut off from much of the world.
"There is no internet here. People here can't ring outside the country, so they don't really know what's going on outside North Korea.
"They don't know, for example, that it was North Korea who invaded South Korea in 1950, and the sort of central pillar of what they believe is that it is the Americans and the South Koreans who have been pushing and threatening the North ever since that war.