Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Current Financial Crisis Predicted In 1981 Movie Rollover

This film is interesting historically. The Elites always show us what they are planning through film. They were planning this back in the 1980's, but it went wrong. They are not perfect.
1. UK discovered oil
2. Steve Jobs invented the Apple and put it in the hands of ordinary people
3. The Internet linked the world.
These innovations created so much productivity and wealth that it has taken the elites this long to steal it all.

1 comment:

  1. Are we going to get a perfect replica of the movie some time in the next ten years? most likely yes, since the world has 600 trillion dollars of derviatives and a crank boom economy which will crash just like a junkie. hope that does not happen the odds are good we will have the biggest wealth destruction in human history.that event will definitely start the depopulation chain of events
