Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Is Bank of America banning gun and ammo purchases in the USA?

Proof positive that the banks are in control and not the elected officials!! Bank of America needs to change it's name to Bank of the Third Reich!! ... and who the hell in using any of these banks anymore? Not only should a "prepper" be out of the banks as much as they can be, but what little they do need a "bank" for, it can be done with a local "credit union".

1 comment:

  1. YOU still shouldn't bank with them, regardless! They are one of the BAILOUT QUEENS who take our tax money, foreclose on homes spend the tax money on fat bonuses for their cronies, run roughshod over us through fees and charges, fund the military industrial complex and war, supply the police state with funding, and screw the American people in the process. bank with a local credit union or smaller bank. SCREW THE BAILOUT QUEENS!!!!!
