Sunday, January 13, 2013

Glenn Beck on The Alex Jones Piers Morgan Gun Control Debate

All I see in the comments are idiots. They see someone like Alex Jones speaking pure truth is a aggressive manor and come to the conclusion he is crazy. Like I bet half these idiots watching did not even look up any of what he said just judged him on the spot. Keep looking for the government to guide you and they will guide you straight to a grave.


  1. So, Glenn Beck shows his REAL colors. This is propaganda at its worst. How can Glenn live with himself when he HAS to know how he is twisting reality. Glenn is for sure a major operative for the globalists. Don't be fooled by this traitor.

  2. Glenn claims he doesnt pay attention to Jones, but yet he wrote a book about him for example. I think this is telling.

  3. Alex Jones should be getting a huge donation from the Elites, he has so much damage to getting the truth out about the Elite's objects by appearing on Morgan's show as a rabid nutjob. How much better can the Elites have it by giving air time (and then all the air time everyone else is replaying the interview) to someone who is willing to self destruct in front of the average American? Lindsey is effective at getting the message out because he is none threatening and none confrontational. One has to wonder if Alex is a government operative against us. Given the Elites stack the deck on both sides of any given issue, Alex just maybe an operative or a useful idiot.

  4. Who knows who really Glen beck humself is? so you are allowed like himself to bad mouth, yet their is limits to how much truth you can share or tell . Thats like saying in 1963 jfk might have died by A CONSPIRACY by communists yet donnot ever point the finger to a plot inside the country

  5. Piers Morgan has a "bump" in the ratings because WE are all tuning in to see him.

  6. I reject Glenn Beck and his staggering ignorance or alternatively, his carefully managed disinformation program. Whichever it is, he is utterly disgusting, disingenuous, and does the American people a great disservice. Glenn Beck knows nothing, and is trying to coerce his audience to go back to sleep so that they don't learn anything either.

  7. And here I have been trying to contact Piers Morgan to juggle for him, but I just found out he's not a judge on "America's Got Talent" anymore; These guys sure get a lot of "mileage" out of a British accent don't they..? Must be tough to get in the "Butler's Union" nowadays...But the "talking heads" gig is still wide open it seems (and "illegal aliens" seem to have that market cornered too)..
