Sunday, January 13, 2013

"Thousands Of Innocent People Have Been Killed Under These Drone Attacks!" Amy Goodman

And yet Obama "weeps" for the kids "killed" in Newtown. The Horse has Left the Barn - Drones are here to stay - Over 2 dozen Countries use them, Including Iran ,The future of warfare lies within what looks like an overgrown toy airplane ,they started with drones but they will finish with terminators ,Man when will these people (the ones screaming bloody murder) understand that these camel jockeys have an agenda!!! Currently being tested against civilians in Waziristan - will soon be deployed over your town!

1 comment:

  1. Great video, thanks. I hope this video helps make it painfully clear that Obama does not represent the voters, and that the Democrats do not represent the voters. Once people get that they will be able to vote correctly, and understand how corrupt the government is. The founding fathers would be appalled at what our gov't has become.
