Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Façade of the American Dream ~ A True Nightmare

"Its called the American Dream because you have to be a sleep to believe it." -George Carlin. One in seven Americans now live on or below the poverty line, according to figures published by the US Census Bureau. It is the sharpest annual rise for three decades, and analysts predicted next year's figures will be even worse. The US is a very young country, more like a social experiment! It is becoming just a casino, which consumes vast amounts of other countries oil-and most of the population just cant see it ,Because the system of economics in this country teaches people that debt / deficits aren't important; that you should spend more and save less. Keynsianism is a cancer, but unfortunately it's what we've embedded into our collective consciousness.

Press TV's documentary program "The Façade of the American Dream" depicts how the US removed Africans from their country of origin, worked them to death as slaves & today, in schools, is brainwashing them to make believe they are inferior in many aspects.

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