Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Sandy Hook Hoax Exposed ~ Joyce Riley Interviews Mike Powers 1-16-13

The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed! If the News Stories are hard to believe,you're a Free American and entitled to know the whole truth.It is your duty to affirm the information given,before giving up your freedom for new policies that police you!Politicians never lie when running for office???? Questions need answers and there are lots of questions that need investigating here, I would propose that an independent inquiry is set up to investigate all of the anomalies surrounding the Sandy Hoax? Most people cannot even be bothered to investigate for themselves but just accept the script of the authorities, they just accept their medicine like the sheeple they are.


  1. Lanza BROKE INTO the school!!! Why isn't ANYONE touching on that FACT? This story has more holes in it than "Swiss Cheese!" The "Globalists" LOVE to spin these stories to keep the masses confused! God knows the truth, and His justice is ALWAYS perfect.

  2. Mike Powers, DON'T YOU DARE get on those Teachers!!! They gave their LIFE for those kids! Who the HELL do you think you are? You weren't there, and you have NO IDEA what you would have done in the same situation!

    1. How do you know what happened? If you were there, you really should enlighten the rest us as to what really happened and explain all the inconsistencies of the official story. If not, then what gives you any grounds to talk?
