Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dr. Benjamin Carson's Amazing Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast with Obama Present

Dr. Benjamin Carson's Amazing Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast with Obama Present

Dr. Benjamin Carson, a black pediatric neurosurgeon with Johns Hopkins Hospital, gave this amazing speech at Thursday’s National Prayer Breakfast.
The doctor was critical of ObamaCare:
DR. CARSON: Here's my solution: When a person is born, give him a birth certificate, an electronic medical record, and a health savings account to which money can be contributed -- pretax -- from the time you're born 'til the time you die. When you die, you can pass it on to your family members, so that when you're 85 years old and you got six diseases, you're not trying to spend up everything. You're happy to pass it on and there's nobody talking about death panels.
Number one. And also, for the people who were indigent who don't have any money we can make contributions to their HSA each month because we already have this huge pot of money. Instead of sending it to some bureaucracy, let's put it in their HSAs. Now they have some control over their own health care.


  1. He could be the next president of the United States

    1. He could be the next president of the United States

      No. He couldn't - that's the problem.

      He SHOULD be the next president of the United States

      There, fixed it for yer!

  2. HATS OFF TO YOU Dr. Carson!!! I noticed Obama's smile turned into a grimace, or in all fairness, more sedate, after Dr. Carson started speaking about healthcare. Why can't we have someone like him as President?

  3. Amen. Carson for Prez, but the global corporate fascists would never allow it because he supports America and not the global plantation they are trying to create.

  4. Fabulous. Put responsibily back on ourselves for learning and proper health practices. Stop the blaming and "poor me" attitude. Study and work do make people stronger and more independent.

  5. We once had a visionary president and who put the country's interest first but he ended up being shot in the head.
