Thursday, March 14, 2013

2013 Looming Financial Collapse

US Economic Collapse 2013

Economically, not only America, but the whole world is in very bad shape. In Europe things have gotten worse and every day gets worse than the day before! Diagnostics show that, there will be no recovery ladies and gentlemen. There will be none, if you are waiting for one then, instead do a U turn and prepare yourselves for another downfall! The world economy is going to slip further down and closer to the pit that was designed cleverly for medium class by our social designers, those who have no other desire but to push forward their One world socialist, communist totalitarian regim on the face of the earth, to destroy families and meduim class. When our corrupt politicians "most of them" will understand that even themselves have NO FUTURE in this "New world order" agenda and even their fortune won't take them to far! Europeans and Americans are still paying and struggling to survive the after math crisis of 2008 to this day! And, yet here we are being told by specialists to prepare ourselves for another downfall! 2013 financial crisis according to many is around the corner! It will strike us in few months. I know they are right, how they can be wrong, when we see what is happening right in front of our eyes! How can we close our eyes and deny the facts! We surly need to wake up and just break out of a jail called Globalisation! I have included a video with this post, hope you take a look at it. Not only it covers financial 2013 collapse inevitable,it also exposes poverty in Japan! Can you imagine a country like Japan,with millions living in a closet or sleeping in cybernets on chair to avoid homelesness!! After watching this video you will realise, where the rest of us are headed.


  1. I thought you all said the collapse was going to happen in 2012? Just stop it.

  2. I don't think anyone could foretell all the crazy steps they would take to delay the collapse for two more years. But they've painted themselves into a corner. While things are often not as bad as they could be, that doesn't mean they aren't bad. But this will surely be worse than the last great depression. The reason they called depressions panics in the old days was because that's the first emotion that you felt in the morning as you came to consciousness. It's not very pleasant thinking "what the heck and am I going to do?"

  3. Stock up on food, drink, supplies, meds and anything else your family uses. When they go on sale, buy ten in stead of one and hide it from thieves and the food police.

  4. Tuesday night, April 30, 2013 Lindsey Williams was a guest on internet radio show Center Stage. His interview was eye opening. He warns of a looming financial collapse as well. However, he warns this will be much like Cyprus but they won't hit your bank account. He states the Elitists have come up with a plan to empty your 401Ks, IRAs and retirement accounts. He says if it is written on paper, it is not worth the paper it is written on.
