Thursday, March 14, 2013

This is How Monsanto is Destroying Argentina

The country's soy industry is booming but what is the impact of soy production on Argentinians and the environment?

Whoever owns the food will own the populace eventually. This is all a part of the stealthy push for a new worldwide Feudal age. A Neo-Feudalism. Of course the monetary system is also a push for this new feudal age, which is meant to push most of the world into poverty (by controlling and inflating money) and dependance on the new global landlords (governments and corporations). Part of the "Green Movement" is also an unwitting part of this new push. People should start tying this all together. Monsanto is definitely an evil company.  Mon Satan more like it. The government is in cahoots with them for sure.

1 comment:

  1. land enclosure... its an old imperialist story, but now it includes poisoning the newly dependent wage slaves
