Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dying Veteran's Open Letter To George Bush & Dick Cheney

Dying Veteran's Open Letter To George Bush & Dick Cheney

The thousands of Innocent people who died in Iraq during this illegal invasion did not want war, Bush and Cheney , should stand trial for war crimes against the innocent people of lraq , but it won't happen . In order to prosecute Bush it would first be necessary to remove all the prominant cultists in the judiciary. That won't happen. These secret cultists take oaths to protect each other from all criminal investigations up to and including murder and treason. For hundreds of years they have targetted the judiciary, the police, the military, the legislators. Also the religious leaders of all the other cults. All of them. Why do think the paedos, banksters, and war criminals never get caught?

1 comment:

  1. The problem with people like Bush and Cheney is that they have forces that surround and protect them. They are only henchmen of globalist who have their own agenda. 9/11 was a product of Prince Bandar Bush, George Bush Jr., and Cheney et al.
    combined with Saudi Intelligence.
    The American sheeple have to have enough courage to stand up. Like any criminal, since JFK, MLK, RFK, Waco, and OK City, as long as they are allowed to get away with it, the crimes get bigger. If they do another false flag it may be bigger than 9/11. However the sheeple won't get out in front of American Idle long enough to pay attention. Like the rest of the world most are only interested in personal gratification.
