Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Revolt In Cyprus! ~ The Beginning of Global Financial Collapse 2013

The IMF is owned by the Rothschild family who is aiming for global control of all sectors. Through their banks they convinced the US to turn over money control to their newly formed organization called The Federal Reserve. Basically, the president signed over US money control to a private family, giving them the power to have their own money tree. We would love to rid ourselves of this family who owns IMF and World Bank but the family created Wall Street to lock us all into their ponzi scheme, a brilliant move actually. It worked too, as none of the investors want to loose money by upsetting the apple cart so to speak. So this is how they get us infighting, pitting us against each other. It’s a tried a true method of manipulation actually, and one that most people are oblivious to unfortunately…. I try not to use banks, I do not trust them. What is more interesting, is folks have been deceived for years and years after the ‘federal reserve’ was created and the illusion of income tax and the taxation of God given rights through licensing. I cannot believe how people now days actually think we answer to the States and Fed’s. when in fact they are NOT the allmighty and poweful things they think they are. We do not earn income, federal reserve notes are credit, not money, not income. but hey, I just get looked at stupid when I say that to most people.


  1. I know this country is SCREWED!!! I've been warning people for some time! Don't group me with the sheeple who don't pay attention, and do nothing. The only problem is, a handful of people are NOT going to save this country, it's already too late. WE WILL BE JUDGED; WE'RE ALREADY BEING JUDGED!

  2. 1."As above, so below"
    2."Ordo ab Choas"
    3."Problem ~ Reaction ~ Solution

    The Global Elite do have a 'moral code' believe it or not:
    They MUST disclose their ultimate plans, overtly and covertly.
    But the fundamental question is, will it be hyperinflation as
    per Lindsey Williams, J Williams, PC Roberts, et al or depression, 'hair cut' & Debt Jubilee as per Harry Dent and ilk.
    Ultimately the End Game result will be the same a new digital global currency.
    'Advisers' such as Ray Kurzweil will be called upon.
