Sunday, May 5, 2013

Who and What are the Illuminati ?

On this edition of DTRH Popeye covers the 237th Birthday of the Illuminati; Their infiltration of Freemasonry and politics; A basic structure of how they operate; And their basic goals. He ends the broadcast on a positive note with the speech INCHES.


  1. These Illuminati have a direct link back to satan, relize that Cain Eves firstborn father was satan 1John 3:12 tells you that. After slaying his brother Abel Cain went to the Land of Nod n found his wife(from the 6th day creation for God Created All the different Races on the 6th Day). Kenites a hebrew word for the children of Cain mixed into the House of Judah doing the work chopping wood n hauling water taken into captivity as Jews with the House of Judah by Nebuchadrezzar into Babylon when they were freed some 60 years later n returning back to Jerusalem these same Kenites were the scribes writing the laws n handling the books for the House of Judah 1Chronicles 2:55. A true Kenite won't drink wine as it represents Christs Blood. Thats why its not strange that these very rich banking families living in Europe in castles having huge wine cellers yet drink no wine.Visit ShepherdsChapel allow Pastor Murray a few minutes to give you some True understanding of Fathers Word taught chapter by chapter verse by verse with understanding a child can absorb. Were coming closer to the end of this earth age don't be decieved by satan for he will return to this earth when hes cast from Heaven Rev 12:9 only he'll be claiming to be Jesus we'll be in the 6thTrump 6thSeal 6thVial. Our Real Lord Jesus Comes at the 7th Trump n we'll all be changed back in a heartbeat in our spiritual body...

    1. Rather, you are the one doing the deceiving ... selectively quoting the Bible to suit your silly theory. Go read

      Gen.4:1 Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, “With the help of the LORD I have brought forth a man.”

      As for 1.John.3:12 ... it is speaking figuratively/spiritually, not litterally after the manner of John.8:37-44. Consider what Jesus said to Peter in Matt.16:23 Get behind me satan.

      The word satan is a common Hebrew word, and mean 'an adverary', nothing more. Sometimes it is used in a good sense and sometime a bad sense in the OT. In the NT, it has been translitterated,and is always used in the negative sense. Context always determines its application & meaning.

      The rest of this post is just prejudicial ignorance. Incredible really that people can be this ignorant in this day and age of free information access.

    2. You are quoting legend as tho it were fact. Get real.
