Sunday, May 5, 2013

WORLD WAR 3 BEGINS! Israel attacks Syria!! NEW!

Israel launches airstrikes in Syria declaring WAR! may 5 2012 Strong blasts hit the outskirts of the Syrian capital early on Sunday, state TV reports, saying that Israeli rockets have targeted a military research center.Massive explosions have been heard near Mount Qasioun in Damascus. The area hosts the Jamraya military research center, which came under Israeli attack earlier in January and marked the first incursion by Israel into Syrian airspace in six years


  1. israel declares war to russia and china, hot news, beware they got it "it is call planes" so we do not have to worry. minds they have not just place your bets and see who wins..any americans that die is part of the game, according to washington.. so keep playing...

  2. All these wars n rumors of wars will come to pass in these end days of this earth age. Its when you hear Peace Peace Peace know that its satan coming as Jesus Rev. 12:9 when hes cast from Heaven to this earth as he heals the Deadly Wound spoken of in Rev. 13:3 his stay is but a short time thou most will wonder n worship nim we'll be in the 6th Trump our Lord Jesus Christ Comes at the 7th Trump, you'll know as we are changed back into our spirit body..

    1. Before you start sprouting such nonsence, using such a scrambled egg approach to interpretting Revelation, how about standing back and seeing if you can make sense of the structure of the book.

      That is, 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Vials, with each one ending in a 'Great Earthquake'.

      Maybe if you made the effort to have a real understanding of the kingdom of God, and why Jesus is called the 'Christ', you would see the Epochs of history and 'tha real apostacy' in a different light.
