Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mask Coming Off, Al Qaeda is Intel Op Done by Western Cover Ops ~ Mike Harris

Al-Qaeda, a puppet for western covert operations within ME : Press TV has conducted an interview with Mike Harris, the financial editor of Veterans Today, from Phoenix.


  1. The speaker doesnt understand that the Elite are not going to allow these countries to defy them. They refuse a central bank and are not in the right position to accept either a New World Order or a one world religion. They must go and the Republicans are behind it all in as much as they wrote the Project for the New American Century which calls for these nations to fall. Of course the Democrats have a different view they are working hard to bring America down at the same time. You have to admit it is an interesting time. We are broke so pushing all this is really not in our best interests and that is the way they want it.
    Sad to say.

  2. One of the first things the so called "rebels" in Libya did once they had taken Benghazi was the establishment of a Reserve Bank. Qaddafi was sacrificed for this cause as we know he also wanted to sell his countries oil with an African gold Dinah and not the US DOLLAR. That sealed his fate, so looking at the new enemies Syria, Iran and North Korea they have enough wars and willing Al Qaeda buddies to keep them going for quite a few years yet.The American Government if you can call it that and Israel have a lot to answer for all we need is someone with enough guts to do it.
