Thursday, June 20, 2013

The US Government Is A Hoax!

US Government=A Scam=A Sham=A Hoax=A Criminal Cabal=Thugs with Suits Stop the madness! Light the torches and get your pitchforks!

Exceptionalism that leads a nation to call themselves "The Greatest Country on Earth", with the right to enforce "Freedom & Democracy" is ridiculous! That's weak minded, moral insanity, like Germans believing they're the Aryan Ubermensch, Jews, Catholics or Muslims saying they're God's Chosen People, or hereditary Monarchs believing they have God given authority to rule over Empires! The United States is a Corporate Entity, comprised of monoply industrialist financial interests, shrouded in BS


  1. And who gets killed n injured our sons n daughters who join the armed forces,while the politicans kids go to work for the government.

  2. This country has become a "LAUGHING STOCK" to the rest of the world, and for good reason! Make NO MISTAKE, America will be judged. The best we can do is pray for ourselves and our loved ones, that the Lord show us MERCY on His DAY OF JUDGEMENT! Good job with this piece, Mr. Rogan!
