Sunday, July 21, 2013

All Reports Are Pointing To A Major Event Coming This July

In this report we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. From all of the potential false flag events that we have been warned about we might very well see a huge false flag event in July, sometime around the 4th. There is a major march for gun owners to march on all state capitals. This seems like it would be a perfect false flag to start a shootout with gun owners and declare martial law. DHS insider has reported they are planning something and it will be around the July time frame. Everyone needs to be prepared because we don't know what the exact event will be.


  1. An "Obama "Toadie" will, no doubt, fire the first shot to ignite the revolution creating the "martial law" situation that the "beige queen" believes will anoint him like his "hero" FDR and provide him with his "duration" 3rd term.
    STAY home on the 4th of July folks;...We don't need to demonstrate for the politicians like we were "Tavvon" toadies. Give them NO EXCUSE to extend tyranny into the land. Let them breach the ENTIRE country if they think they can pull-it-off in the neighborhoods, towns and villages we familiarly grew up in. God help everyone in the countryside AND the police and military that this tyrannical government co-opts! STAY HOME ON THE "4th" where we ALWAYS have the "homefield advantage"..and reinforcement, aid and supplies are readily available.

  2. Great overview / oversight to ensuring highly probable events although the 4th July has come and gone the agenda IS still the same. This report is spot on in context. As an informed outsider looking above the US fishbowl most folks there are just not getting the dire circumstances that exist there for the 99%!

    Being an Australian, some 20 years ago I could see the writing on the wall after TOTAL gun confiscation especially. I sold all, closed out all debt closed down a lucrative business and left with just 30k! never to permanently return! The London based Crown Corporation is behind America's downfall as well. Residing in a so called 3rd world country IS MUCH BETTER folks. For me it's Thailand for US folks these two countries are closer, so perhaps consider a move to Ecuador, Chile ,etc. Even the so called prepared are in no way able cope with the police / armed forces and many troops deployed into and around the US are from many other countries who will have no hesitation in pulling the trigger! Get out folks the USA is planned and destined to be destroyed! as are many other WESTERN NATIONS (by design) all based on population AGENDA 21!!

    The evil sick depraved bastards are a scourge on all of humanity, they should be lined up and shot! No mercy for they have shown us none and in return THEY deserve worse for inflicting much pain and suffering to the majority of the worlds populations! Be they ALL eternally damned to hell!!
