Sunday, July 21, 2013

Massive Fire at JP Morgan Gold VAULT!! Ooops Your Gold's Gone

There was a massive fire at JP Morgan's downtown NYC gold vault. No signs of fire, smoke, or MSM reporters. Were all the certificates for people who were holding gld paper certificates burned up in this fire??
Here's what we know:
1. JP Morgan announced on Friday, it's physical inventory was down 66%....this is unprecedented
2. They were claiming on Friday they only had 42,000 oz's of gold on inventory with 500,000+ orders for delivery pending....ooops
3. JP Morgan has sold 60x the amount of available gold that's already been mined and that's still in the ground in the form of gld certificates
4. JP Morgan doesn't have and NEVER had the physical gold to back the sales of gld.
5. How does a vault which stores metal - gold, catch on fire
Although there's been a massive attempt to collapse the mining industry over the past several months by manipulating the price of gold & silver below the cost of extraction by the mines, the mines are still operating.
A massive transfer of wealth is underway.


  1. They now can melt it down to other serials and maybe use thungsten in the core. Nice move. Got phizz?

  2. JP Morgan Execs need extermination for scamming and cheating American citizens ! Charlatans and scoundrels, at the very least. need "tarring & feathering" in the manner of early American Colonial justice. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !
