Sunday, August 4, 2013

911 Hoax Joe Lawless CNN Breaking News 1130am to 1pm Flight 175 Still Missing

9 11 Hoax Joe Lawless CNN Breaking News 1130am to 1pm Flight 175 Still Missing

World Trade Center was privately owned by a business man WITH LARGE INSURANCE. IT WAS NOT GOVERNMENT OWNED, Pentagon was GOVERNMENT OWNED. There was a $2.3trillion dollar audit due a DAY BEFORE 9/11 WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT? Why was there 130,000 gallons of oil in that building?


  1. I feel like the mainstream news has become an obsessive loop of The Fall Guy.

  2. Why don't they just say what's really going on? Shit is crashing because we are laying off our maintenance crews and we are forcing pilots to fly until they are out of fuel. But we'll just scare everyone and drive market numbers. Hasn't it dawned on everyone that everyone's in a volatile mood because they can't even procure enough income to ignore hypnotist script anymore. Everyone is hanging out on the wizard's doorstep waiting for some courage.
