Sunday, August 4, 2013

Ron Paul "I am FOR Gun Control! I Wanna Take The Guns From These Bureaucrats Enforcing Federal Laws!"

Ron Paul "I'm FOR Gun Control! I Wanna Take The Guns From These Bureaucrats Enforcing Federal Laws!"

Gun control for the bureaucrats. Love it.
It's amazing this guy filled arena's and his competition filled voting urns , yet he still lost many primaries in which we heard later he actually won.Fraud ,fraud and more fraud to get what the 'establishment' has pushed as an agenda for years. President's are selected not elected.Peace.

1 comment:

  1. I'm very jaded. Sometimes I wonder if he was the silver sedan who paved the way for his son to carry on some Romney mischief. This man has a track record of running against candidate after candidate to a Perot style bow out. No one ever talks about the woman who was tied up in a warehouse despite being on the ballot. These days it seems like Ron Paul is the underdog to root for. And I voted for him, but because we have even heard of him, I am now a skeptic after all I've seen. Vermin Supreme next time. Or maybe me in 2018.
