Friday, August 9, 2013

Gerald Celente Trends In The News ~ National Identity Crisis

They are lowering the price of gold because someone is planning to by it at at lower price. And then the price will go sky high. In 1930 they crashed the economy so that they could buy as much as possible at the lowest price. There will be no big crash now. Its not necessary. They manipulate the marked and take over bit by bit.

WAKE UP AMERICANS! Start by taking control of your family, homeschool, use the system that has used you, get out of the cities, become self sufficient, plant a aquaponics garden and raise fish, can meat you hunt, get an alternative heat source, stock pile wood, get some guns and lots of ammo and buy P.M.'s to barter with, why not gold?


  1. since at least 3000 years or so, when King David made Jesusalem the capital of the Nation of Israel.

    By contrast, there is no Palestinian nation. Those people were part of Jordan, so called Trans Jordan.

    After the last Arab-Israeli war, when Israel was attacked by its neighbors and was victorious, it occupied the so called territories, but did not annex them, as was done with a major part of Germany by the winners of WWII (I am German).

    Notice: Israel is a peaceful nation, seeking peace with its neighbors.

    Israel gave land for peace (Sinai) and would give further land for peace, but unfortunately, there would be no peace, as you know for sure. (By the way, are you for the liquidation of Israel?)

    You are an intelligent man. Please ask yourself if you might not be a victim of Arab propaganda. Don't be hateful, PLEASE.

    The mortal threat by Iran is unimaginable.

    Israel and its people, THE JEWISH NATION, are in constant danger of annihilation. Can you imagine this danger in your head?

    I love Italy and Italians. God bless you.

    1. @Anonymous - You sir are spewing more bullshit. There is no jewish nation, they are forbidden according to their own scripture - but I'm sure you didn't read that....
      Iran is not a threat to the "jewish" people, just look at the facts, Israel bombs everyone, Iran bombs no one. Israel is an apartheid state, Iran is democratic. Israel kills innocent children, Iran protects them. Israel receives billions in funds from the US and the international community, Iran has been sanctioned for +35 years and still thrives. Israel is a war criminal nation, Iran is not. Israel has WMDs, Iran does not.

      Israel is stealing Palestinian land...that's a fact! Palestine did not commit the atrocities of Nazi-era Jewish cleansing. It was Germans so give them Germany.

      In closing, I would like to say: Isra-Hell, go to hell, burn in it and stay in it. This "jewish" state has less than 30 years left in its existence, either in our lifetime or the the lifetime of our children, they will witness the glorious destruction of the most oppressive and criminal nation humanity has ever seen.

      God bless all those who stand for truth, not those who propagate the lies of the "jewish" me anti-semetic if you like, that's all you have left.

  2. Ever wonder if people get blamed for the actions of others or maybe not everything we do is bad? Hard to speak on behalf of a whole room let alone a whole country.
