Friday, January 18, 2013

Alex Jones Show: Friday (1-18-13) James Tracy & Andrew Wakefield

On the Friday, January 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Prison Planet editor and journalist Paul Joseph Watson runs down the latest efforts to hobble the Second Amendment and demonize gun owners. Paul talks with James Tracy, a communications professor who claims the Newtown Sandy Hook massacre did not happen the way it was reported by the establishment media. Also on today's broadcast, host Mike Adams talks with Texas State Rep. Steve Toth, who has stepped up to defend and protect the Second Amendment against the predatory behavior of Obama and the feds. Mike also talks with former surgeon and British medical researcher Andrew Wakefield about the dangers of vaccines.

1 comment:

  1. Agenda is the key. The MSM, which is losing ground to the alternative media, has the same AGENDA as the secret government. They do not do investigative reporting at all. In fact there is no department of that anymore. In its place is entertainment and reporting what is told to them by the White House, CIA, Elite and such. They even say at the end they can not confirm anything. So sad so folks drop the MSM and create the new MSM that does ask questions and does investigations.
