Friday, January 18, 2013

Lew Rockwell: Obama Wants to be The Pharaoh

The 2nd Amendment should be a God given right for all humans on the planet. I don't care about Piers and his statistics, I wish he'd looked in to knife crime in the UK and compared that to American gun crime because people are getting knifed left right and center. Obama, all governments , They want you asleep , if we lose the 2ed, the 1st will be next, these guys need to understand that , the world is waking up, l hope before its to late

1 comment:

  1. These DEMONS are really GETTING ON MY NERVES!!! Congress is surrounded by guns, but God forbid, the unwashed masses should have them! What a BUNCH OF HYPOCRITICAL PIECES OF EXCREMENT! Go back to HELL you TARES!!!
