Monday, January 21, 2013

Human Origins & Enslavement - Michael Tellinger

Human Origins & Enslavement - Michael Tellinger ((Classic))

Date: 10-29-07
Host: George Noory
Guests: Michael Tellinger

Researcher Michael Tellinger returned for a discussion about the theory that humankind is a slave race, developed genetically by an ET race, to mine gold for them thousands of years ago (a theory first put forth by Zecharia Sitchin). Our DNA, he stated, is a mix of animalistic (native to our planet) and more advanced (from the ETs)-- but the more advanced DNA allowed humans to evolve much quicker than the ETs anticipated. This evolution has attracted a huge number of advanced beings (who vibrate at a different frequency) to visit our planet, he commented.

The human race is still enslaved, controlled by the monetary system, said Tellinger, who suggested that around the onset of 2012 or the end of the Mayan calendar, a new way of life might emerge based on a "contributional system."

A deliberate effort has been made to cover-up the origins of humankind by such groups as the Vatican, he declared. According to his sources, Bishop McIntyre met with an ET in 1954, at a US Air Force base summit that Pres. Eisenhower also attended. Subsequently, the Vatican formed a secretive organization called S.I.V. to study ET contact, Tellinger detailed.

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