Monday, January 21, 2013

US Drones on a crusade against innocent People

The majority of people killed by U.S. drone strikes are not militants, according to , more than two thousand people who have died as a result of strikes are in fact innocent civilians minding their daily lives , send the government to the front line if they want a war.... US troops are deployed abroad as enforcement thugs and murderers for global business and banking cartels. Imposing and maintaining dictators and stealing resources from the ground beneath the feet of impoverished people all over our world . Drones are increasingly being deployed to keep US body bags from returning home in great enough numbers that may change US public opinion which is now apathetic, as dead brown foreign people don't matter to US voters , everything is fine as long as the drones bomb people in other countries . Well guess what Obama signed a treaty to use the drones on American Citizens too.

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