Monday, January 21, 2013

Sandy Hook disinfo agent exposed as fake actor , Max Igan, Linda West and Dave Acton

Sandy Hook disinfo agent exposed as fake actor , Max Igan, Linda West and Dave Acton expose DallasGoldBug on the TrutherGirls radio show. I agree with Max on this. That was my first question regarding Robbie Parker. Why did they 'allow' this obvious visual evidence of Parker first seen laughing and smiling before walking up to the camera to change over into obvious 'acting' mode to display a grieving parent; a complete contradiction to the laughing expression? Who took this revealing video footage and why was it allowed to air? It had to be 'deliberately' permitted to air, thus an agenda is behind this.


  1. I know "Sandy Hook" happened, but what I don't understand is why actors were used? Maybe because I'm not evil and DEMONIC like the "Globalists," but I still don't get why actors had to be used in this. What is the reasoning behind it? Then again, like my father used to tell us, "Never get into the mind of a sick person, they'll bring you down with them."

  2. I know Sandy Hook happened

    I saw the Robbie Parker video and, I agree, there is/was an agenda. So... is all of this just fear mongering, for an agenda? To what end?

    To what end?

  3. To what end? Gun confiscation and total control.
